Using Rally Units Cards

By player377182, in Battles of Westeros

Just to make sure - If I use a rally units leadership card - I can effectively activate a unit 2 or even 3 times in a given round???


a) Use order token to move unit - inactive

b) I rally the unit with the ld card.

c) I use another order token or ld card to activate the unit again--

d) ...and repeat---

My reading is that is all correct. As long as you have the correct order tokens / leadersip cards to reorder rallied units. makes your endgame forces go into overdrive!

In our first game, I had the perfect set of cards and tokens to completely obliterate with one unit. Note, it was in final round 5 where many units were close together.


I managed to order only small amount of units so that by the attack phase I had 2 flag order tokens, a blue token, and cards "order 2 units")

It gave me the power to attack 3 times with the same Unit.

That unit was given +1 attack from a card, and +2 attack dice from Kevan (coz he is a nice guy).

From what I can tell, those modifiers apply for that round, all attacks in that round, and the blue unit was rolling 6 dice, and on a flank was able to roll some again!

Well, in this case it was easy to Capture an enemy Commander.

? Is that right? Are we allowed to use Flags to Rally a unit after an Attack?