A thread for reference pics

By Laughmask, in Grimm RPG

Anyone in for the idea of posting reference pictures? Maybe describe what you imagine them to be, whether it's places or people, artifacts or weapons. I think it'd be cool to see some of the things other Grimm fans imagine.

I'll be pulling a lot of pictures from deviant art and referencing the artists with each. To get started:


Don't think this needs much explaining. As the kids walk through the great and awful forest, a goblin ambush has been set up on the path ahead. With all the roots in the ground, I sort of pictured this to be part of the kids trek towards the Sword Oak (page 141). -image by Nick Harris.



Can someone say Peter Peter's pumpkin patch?? The big one to the right could be his home. -Image by Radojavor on deviantart.



When the kids enter this small settlement, something seems a bit off. An abundance of pumpkins (which could be a plot device to make this town a point of interest for peter peter, they aid him by providing surplus pumpkins and kids, and he leaves them alone) and a very malicious vibe from the townsmen. The reason being that it's almost harvest season, and everyone knows the harvest season yields terrible crops and creations. I sort of imagined the big creature to be a spirit of harvest. I think it'd be cool if the kids were given the choice of helping one or the other, the villagers offering safety from peter peter, the spirit of harvest offering a great reward (a cornucopia of the worlds best harvest foods). If the kids help neither, both sides turn their attention to the kids and try and capture them first. -Image by Radojavor on deviantart.

Arthur Rackham. The art of Arthur Rackham is what we all need.

Google it, for some reason I can't put the link here.

Oh wow, thats a very cool art style he has. I love it! Thanks

OK, somebody please explain to me how to insert pics. I can't click and drag or copy/paste and the image button asks for a URL, but its on my hardrive!

if you have the image file on your harddrive and not on the internet, go to imageshack.us and simply upload it (completely free), then you can either copy paste the address in the "Direct Link" box, or you can enlarge the image - right click - "Copy image url". then bring it into the forums, click the picture button and paste the url you copied.

There are also other image hosts, such as Deviant Art and, of course, Photobucket, but I wouldn't reccomend them. Imageshack is quicker, and doesn't even require an account. Besides, I always prefer the underdog. :D

let me give this a try.


I wanted to point out this tale from the Ravenloft set. When I saw your image of the harvest, LM, I thought of this story, which is one of my favorite adventures. I almost think your pictuire was intended for this story.

Some images i have used

castles my kids have encountered:




And the Gingerbread man:



and a few sundry ones:



more later...

Oh wow, the gingerbread man is really something lol. That Children of the Night thing, is that an actual campaign for D&D? I was actually considering looking at some D&D campaigns and seeing if there's anything I can use for inspiration that isn't too "hack and slash".

One of the main reasons i always liked Ravenloft stuff was because it is more story-oriented than combat oriented. In general i have found horror stuff to be that way anyway. The book i showed was an anthology of adventures. In Azenwrath the players come upon a puritan-style village that gives frequent sacrifices to a harvest creature made out of wood and paper. The players find themselves involved in a murder mystery that they have to solve as well as find a way to defeat the creature to escape.

http://img267.imageshack.us/f/dmscreen.jpg/ I've been working on creating a Narrator screen. The size of that is 33in x 8.5in, basically 3 sheets of typical paper attached. I wasn't sure of their size but I figured that was a safe bet. Going to try and get all the charts and info put on the other side.

Yeah. The trifold was what I was going for. I've pretty much scanned all the charts in the book for quick reference onto my compyter, I'm thinking about listing out a few things like Boosting Your Advantage and Healing Wounds into different charts or bulleted lists. Maybe make a quick chart for actions to do while wrestling. If anyone wants to make a chart, whether in Excel or even MS Paint, I can to flourish it in photoshop. Or if you think of something else to be referenced

I definitely want a copy of that when you're done with it.

Man, that is awesome. So when I print it will it cut into 3 pages?

hmm No, at least i don't think so, I could be wrong. I can see if I can post files for you somewhere or the pics. I can email you them if you wanna post your email (perhaps you'd be more comfortable with friending me, that way you don't have it all over the forums).