Guy, Matthias, Krieger, Anselm and Findulas arrive in Stromdorf on the 10th of Sommerzeit in search of Florian Wechsler. How they met and events leading up to here described here:
Guys had heard a fellow member of merchant guild has gone missing, Florian Wechsler. His young wife Wertha hopes for his return, Guild wants to know what happened, wants him saved if in jeopardy, “message sent” to anyone who has harmed a guild member. Also recovery of his ring, which is also proof of death and would entitle Wertha to a widow’s pension from Guild.
( having earned 3 advances by this session )
They manage to get across the western bridge before the storm waters of the river carry it away and find themselves in the isolated town of 700 or so ( some Athletics checks to cross safely but no one dunked ).
They enter town, entry eased by fact there is a rat infestation in region ( optional rule, allowed 2 fortune point spend by Anselm the Ratcatcher's player to establish this fact ). Being good swimmers rats don't mind water-logged area.
Their stay at the Thunderwater Inn is paid for by Herr Thomas Gerber (events of lead in adventure). Their inquiries about Herr Florian Wechsler lead them to the Stewpot Inn where Keila Cobblepot serves a 5 silver delicious dinner and recounts the strange vanishing of her guest Florian 2 weeks prior ( added that a high quality halfling meal like this gives a fortune die on Resilience check that night to recover criticals, two PC's still suffering them ).
The practical joke at inn became a Fellowship test to see how well it was taken and target (Krieger) passed earning a round a free drinks and avoiding any ill feelings.
They track down Florian's body guards, the now down on luck Krantz and Olaf near the field of Verena (where they trying to drum up work from farmers to deal with rustlers). They relate similar story and how they only turned up that that his cart was driven out of town by the east gate (that leads to Nuln Road leaving area and othewise to the region's farms), before sun-up day he disappeared.
Anselm makes his own discoveries while doing some rat-catching for Keila Cobblepot. Metagame all players know, in game only Anselm knows - while doing some rat-catching work at the Stewpot he happened to see Keila opening a secret hiding cache in her kitchen (he was down on floor setting traps when she came in and she didn't see him with his check, just 1 stress from near call ). He later opens it up, sees some coins and rings and jewelry (one of these is Florian's ring but he doesn't investigate to find that, nor take anything, just scoping things out, he closes it up and leaves).
Based on fact Florian was seen speaking with a farmer, one of the Holtz family that farmsteads near the Oberslecht, they decide to head off in that direction - perhaps that was where he was headed when he left with cart (they haven't established it wasn't him). They hear the Hotlz's have a bad reputation (in bred hillbillies, and that from a town that doesn't see many outsiders!). Each spends 3 brass on some leather rain-gear though Mathias and Guy spend 2 silver for better quality/looking gear (they are now wearing the equivalent of leather dusters and broad-brimmed hats).
These inquires all took a couple of days. Most of their inquiries were made by Anselm ( acting as party face since Guys was feeling down [player absent]) who was in Conservative mode and rolled a delay every time, so the Act beginnning at end of inquiries below means Storm Track 1 has reached 5 when next events take place ).
On Sommerzeit 12 they set off for the Holtz farmstead, as the storm worsens noticeably. Matthias wants to know if they can get a carriage or something for shelter from storm as they travel but it's clear that's not really an option, Findulas telling him to "Man up buttercup" (+1 party tension and +1 Fortune in Party pool, leading to a refresh) . By this time Matthias has recovered from his critical wound but Findulas is still labouring under Aches and Pains .
They find the other area farmstead (Eigel family) in flames with the cloven-footed sign of beastmen about.
There are signs beastmen carried off many of those they felled (not clear whether alive or dead [dead]), and that two living sets of human tracks arrived and followed them. The heroes follow and enter the Oberslecht (+1 Party tension) , shorting finding a sign of futher battle where the 2 following humans were set upon and one fell, the other fleeing (in direction back out of mire towards the Holtz steading). Krieger in particular is hot-blooded to face the beastmen and they press on!
I made an Oberslecht location card with the effects all on it and added that "Once a session, Rural career character can descibe applicable knowledge/experience to add a fortune die to a check." (trying to encourage creativity, make career traits matter).
- session breaks -
Session went well enough though I didn't push out miscellaneous info about Stromdort and events in it as much as I wanted to going in (caught up in play and players were not very proactive in investigation).
As GM, now pondering how to stage events with them bypassing Holtz Farmstead to head straight into the Oberslecht in pursuit of Beastmen.
I intend to remind players that they can try to make Folklore and Education rolls for information about beastmen (and other creatures - converting over from earlier edition approach).
The overall mission requires Foaldeath/Marie more than anything else, so I'm thinking that they will get into a fight with a smaller band (establishing that they can't deal with large numbers), then a strange figure will lend magical aid and tell them to flee by a particular route, promising to lead the others astray (Foaldeath working out these adventurers can do what Holtzs were supposed to). The figure will probably say "Seek shelter with the Holtzes and have them bring you to me tonight at the Hag Tree, if you would save the works of man from blood and ruin."
They should get something for taking play down this route, define story a bit by it (I want this to be player-lead/created story as much as anything pre-scripted) so at least one of the beastmen they face in this short fight will have several flagons of Thunderwater Ale on a bandoleer (marked as such and recognizable to adventurers since they are staying there).