The adventurers - Intrepid Explorers from Ubersreik
They are Guys the Burgher who trades to Bretonnia (his family originating there), Kreiger the Mercenary who met Guys while working as guard for merchants, Findulas the wood elf Hunter who has come up from Athel Loren (the Seer having seen visions about storms of some sort) and met these two while working as guard on caravan doing this, Matthias the Thug (currently working as watchman) from Ubersreik who is “affluent” because somehow he manages not to count all the wine kegsGuys has coming in from Bretonnia for tax purposes, and Anselm the Ratcatcher who picks up spare pennies keeping an eye out for less reasonable watchmen while un-branded (tax brand) kegs of wine move through streets late at night.
They become Intrepid Explorers as they decide something more lively than this existence is to their taste (well anything not in the sewers perhaps for Anselm).
Guys hears word of a fellow member of merchant guild gone missing, Florian Wechsler, and so they decide to investigate. His young wife Wertha hopes for his return, Guild wants to know what happened, wants him saved if in jeopardy, “message sent” to anyone who has harmed a guild member. Also recovery of his ring, which is also proof of death and would entitle Wertha to a widow’s pension from Guild.
They decide to walk to Stromdorf (which is so bypassed by trade it’s not even shown on the [2nd edition vintage] map of region). Some cannot afford to buy horses or pay for coach rides, others don’t like boats though one might have been taken if (random roll) it wasn’t 3 days till the next boat. Guys is the only one missing the comfort of a coach. Findulas also doesn’t like riding animals or being pulled around by them.
It starts to rain hard as a storm blows in from the north, just before arriving at the Three Feathers coaching inn for night. A Simple Resilience and no one loses Fatigue (rubbing it in that a coach would have been comfier, also reminding new to warhammer - that’s the roll to resist poisons, recover faster from wounds etc.). [2nd edition map from old adventure supplement handily shows one coach in along way].
So they come into the courtyard of the inn just around 8:00 pm.
Rough Night at Three Feathers modified to make the origins and destinations of travellers fit for location between Ubersreik and Stromdorf;
- Made coaching inn location with “Companions of the Road” effect - folk are more sociable in comfortable refuge from road’s rigours - if sharing a drink, Social actions gain ?, however on Chaos star result, gain Intoxicated condition for rest of scene.
- re-did timeline for an 8:00 pm start
- Collapsed some multiple tests into single rolls in new system with boons/3 successes meaning additional information etc.
In terms of plots fitting in.
Frau Schmidt is Hanna Brenner of Stromdorf and her angry suitor is Tomas Gerber (who is actually hoping to find evidence allowing him to break marriage contract, her mother’s “madness” having made him decide he doesn’t want to marry Hanna in case in runs in family) - wanted to create some potential connections to merchant families in Stromdorf.
Gustaf R. Is a chessplayer who was drinking wine and playing a game against himself at start when PCs arrive (obviously welcoming a player), and thus Arm Wrestling, Chess Game and Cards with Glimbrin are all possible activities and become competitive Athletics, Education (Int alone possible), Guile checks where apart from winning, activities where each success (even if you lose) creates some chit chat and information revealed.
- this gave PC’s three choices of ways to spend time other than just hanging around as NPC’s arrive/putting all pressure on their creativity
The men at arms know some military history about Stromdorf and its hero Stilchem
Glimbrin knows about Stromdorf and has met Florian as merchant came through area, tells them Florian is nice fellow, takes good care of that horse of his (when asked about horse, “well, it’s white”, Findulas correctly observes truly white horses not common), doesn’t avail himself of the extra-services of Clora the Serving Wench (e.g., setting up that he wouldn’t just run off).
Whereupon Anselm the Ratcatcher realizes he was importuning the wrong serving wench earlier when he was turned down (indeed he was trying to make time with the Dammenblatz agent who has other plans for the evening, I made her one of the inn staff - “a new girl” if asked about).
- modified to make people/plots fit Intrepid Explorers (Idealistic, not just in it for cash) more – “Herr Schmidt” simply killing blackmailer makes him too unsympathetic to PCs, so Erpresser made particularly unsavoury – was fired from position at “Frau Schmidt’s” for immorality in respect of female staff and improper attitude to female household members, he’s the one who makes a pass at Ursula and he was killed in a fit of anger by Herr S. when as part of his price for keeping quiet he wanted “favours” of “Frau Schmidt”;
- Gustaf’s blackmail by “cultists” is actually a test of his character - they are really inquisitors who have come across an old membership list and are seeing whether or not he was really part of the Ordo’s inner circle – but he will react badly fearing scandal would affect the Gravin (be connected to charges against her) and has been drinking heavily and contemplating suicide when he calls the PC - Guys (who played chess with him earlier) to his room (he won’t be overtly asking for action against travellers as that doesn’t fit this PC group, but he’s certainly a danger to himself, and ask Guys to take a letter to see gets delivered to his family in Nuln should “anything happen to me.”);
- Guys tries to send brandy up to the Gravin to introduce himself but gets nowhere - using Formal Diplomacy action with Brandy is deemed suitable in circumstances, failing but per card boon giving a white die to someone else, Anselm using it to make jokes at Guys’ expense as he tries to make time with a barmaid [the one who turns him down, above). Over all an unlikely effort but played so well it was worth a Fortune Point in the party pool (two were earned over course of 3 hours).
- as evening goes on PC’s find out/figure out that Ursula is a bounty hunter interested in the Morrites - Glimbrin recognized her and they chatted it up out of him, observing his flash of recognition, they are suspicious of the Morrites, they think someone tried to slip Bruno something but failed to convince him there was any threat, they know the 3 travellers are interested in Gustaf but not why however they observed them all make pious signs of hammer before eating (clue they’re not really cultists)
- Findulas was is in the next room listening when Erpresser meets his end (failed roll so only hears muffled angry words, a woman cry “Freiderich!” [at moment of killing] and then quiet. Much quasi-comical whodunit stuff then as the body eventually is put in a trunk and moved out to the boat as part of arranging departure first thing in morning (body dumped in river really, may turn up latter in the miller’s eel nets).
- As Herr Schmidt is coming back through common room with one of his boatmen, Matthias has been filled in by Findulas - Matthias really doesn’t like nobles and interposes himself and wants to know what’s happened to a missing servant (Intimidate, stunning success). Herr Schmidt is broken down and asks to step outside and talk about it quietly. He explains the truth giving everything but Hannah’s last name, presenting his “impetuous” act as a matter of honour and ready to reach for his purse if that is not enough to keep the PC quiet. Kreiger at least seems to be reacting that Erpresser was indeed going beyond pale, but before anyone else has chance to indicate reations -
- 11:30, Thomas Gerber and his 3 Thugs arrive – PC’s actions mean that instead of being up in his room, Pfiefraucher is out in the inn courtyard, in the rain, trying to explain things to Matthias, Krieger, Anselm and Findulas when his nemesis arrives and immediately starts verbally lambasting him "Pfeifraucher you wh***monger"! The heroes end up fighting Gerber briefly simply because of his aggressive stance but the fight breaks off as “Schmidt’s” crime is revealed and Gerber is so pleased he becomes friendly to the party. They don’t argue about him taking Hannah back and for keeping quiet about family disgrace etc. He promises them help in Stromdort (Anselm in particular angles and turns this into free room at the best inn, the Thunderwater).
- At same time Guys is entering Gustaf’s room as requested for his “chat”, he accepts task of getting a letter to Gustaf’s wife if anything happens to him. He does not succeed well enough on rolls to realize Gustaf’s intent so leaves, whereupon Gustaf poisons himself to avoid disgrace to Gravin and his family (using poison all her servants carry for this purpose - this does make Guys the last person see with Gustaf before his body is found - fun later).
When the body of the Champion is found it’s Matthias’ dagger, and then Gustaf’s body with Guys last to see him - so suspiscion easily falls on PC's. Things play out. Rather than putting everyone in a room, I said the stable would be impromptu holding area (more room for fight, horses add a chaos star effect of kicked). Gravin realizes Gustaf poisoned self but doesn't advertise it.
The fight climax works well. I have 3 imps appear as the assassins, that when killed coalesce into a bestial daemon (actually a boar in stat terms), with two soldiers freshly killed and appearing as zombies and the cultist witch behind it all (woman, with a few magics). The party of five manages to defeat these (one rally step during coalescing) with two minor critical wounds suffered, two stress induced insanities (but no tracking tokens added so go away at end of encounter), enough wounds that worst wounded still has a couple the next day.
Scenario ends pretty much as planned, Gravin awards each of them 10 silver and they continue on towards Stromdorf (Thomas rides ahead so they are on their own reaching bridge). I'm hoping the interaction with member of nobility from Nuln may be able to cycle back later in the adventure FFG is to publish set in Ubersreik. 3 sessions of play overall.