NOob making a deck. Help me please.

By Deathscythe, in Gummi Garage

I have recently joined the game. I have looked for instruction on how to play. Can anyone tell me staple cards for this game. I have played yugioh so i kind of no some type of card lingo.

well it really depends what kind of deck you wanna make? do you want aggro, world racer, dark? what you wanna do with your deck will give people ideas how to help if you can be a lil more specific what you wanna do with your deck i can help you. gran_risa.gif


Soul Eater



King Triton

Chip and Dale

Beast/ Hercules

Bambi lvl 3

Aw man we have another Roxas username already ^__^

The only staple cards in the game right now are Cid, The king (mickey that is), Parasite Cage and Destinly Islands. The rest are subject to your playstyle

Hmm, I agree with Mr. Lawliet there...but I'd add King Triton to that list... I still think a good chunk of decks should run at least 1 copy of him.

If you run Riku/Dark Riku, Soul Eater is a key card for aggro.

Card_Breaker said:

If you run Riku/Dark Riku, Soul Eater is a key card for aggro.

Yep so post A list!

Staple referrs to good in every type of deck, just so we all understand that, thus according to me Parasite Cage is now the only staple card.

Parasite is only staple = bleh.

Dark can run world cards right? What about disney castle lvl 1? pretty staple to me...

At least a life and no loss of cards...

Maybe. Just maybe, I would argue that another dark card, stealth sneak is farily staple. Would run it in an agro becuase there are few cards that get rid of it, and would run it in world racer because, for the same reason there are relatively few cards that get rid of it.

I do agree with parasite's staple status though...

Roxas, we need to play more games = I would like to know what your mind has plotted as top of the meta at the moment :)

- dut

I have to agree with Roxas L on this one, Parasite Cage and a great card and Sneak ( as posted by dutpot) hits almost every deck time hard. I mean with Aggro (dark or light), you stop stopra or that needed D Isle, Dark WR's are done for.

The only ones that aren't worrying too much are the Light WR's who can use Pan and Dumbo.

Well I pulled a Cloud out of the new pack. I kind of want to use him. I guess i want to go aggro. I also want my player to Be sora. Any suggestions on which sora I should be trying to get. Since i am barely starting out which pack should i be focusing on getting?

Clouds ability refers to the steps in which you fight against heartless so if you wanted to use Cloud then your deck might want to be focused around getting 13 WC (world count) or at least have the option of winning by said condition.

Disney Castle is okay... it's not great and certainly was never fantastic, it was good back during set 2 because it was the only other option than D. Isles (which is now, without a doubt, the best world in the game) You gain a life with every world so that seems a bit redundant to mention a basic game mechanic. and no loss of cards is certainly okay, but Light players gain advantage with Destiny Islands, things like Mayor, Flounder, Jasmine, Wendy, Geppetto, the King are all cards that get another card off of Destiny Islands.

Monstro lvl 1 is also better than Disney Castle. Though it doesn't provide you with draw power but it does provide you with board power and control. all they need to do is play friends and you have already gained more advantage than the one card you would have drawn with Disney Castle. While any deck can run Disney Castle, there are certainly better options and you neglect to mention these options that light players have for worlds.

While Sneak spells certain doom against Dark WR decks, light WR decks will simply shrug it off with pan, Dumbo Jack+Beast/Herc or Beast/Herc and simply keep moving, it's low level and low POW simply do not helps it cause and cards like Mally Dragon, Parasite Cage, Behemoth and Darkside are all abilities that one can not simply shrug off with a searched for friend like pan (which is, imo, much better than it was in set 2 with help by Wendy and Neverland lvl 2). Most light aggro decks will run at least some sort of Beast/Herc+jack sort of deal if in the emerengcy they need to get rid of heartless of that sort. While Sneak would be powerful against decks with no way around it, light decks have many options of getting around it and such options shouldn't simply be neglected because it works on a dark deck.

Dut, if you wish to discuss the state of the meta, I would be more than happy to discuss it with you, my mind has many things which I have not shared with the community and no one has yet seemed to pick up on these things that I have been thinking of for quite some time. Maybe someome will surprise me gui%C3%B1o.gif

WoW Roxas you seem like a real serious player. You seem toknow what you are talking. I am barely started out at this game, so maybe i can learn a lot from you. THe world race deck sounds good though. Im still trying to decide what deck to start running.

World Racers have a serious advantage over most other decks when played correctely.

As a player card I would said one of the three

Sora lvl 1 (Core Set)

Sora lvl 1 (Atlantic Promo)

or Sora lvl 2 (Core Set)

The promo is the best option but if you can't get ahold of it I would say lvl 1 is still a decent choice.

friend/ magic friend cards would definity include Dumbo (takes one power off ALL dark cards and can defeat Sleath Sneak)

Peter Pan who negates Dark Card effects during battle (except for Behemoth), Roxas L can correct me if I missed one as I myself am new with set 3.

like Roxas L said Cloud is the WR's best friend.

donald sould be played for his epic magic casting skills

Jack can be used to throw your own heartless down and then use him to battle

Beast/ Hercules' effects can destory/ bounce heartless

Sebastion can hurt the Aggro deck but is a card to consider not auto include

World Cards.

generally a 3-3-3-3-3-1 trend is favored (personally I find D Castle to be helpfull here for this and heres why)

Hallow Baston lvl 3

Hallow Bastion lvl 3

Traverse Town lvl 3

Disney Castle lvl 1

total 10

but now they can not play dark cards (without aerora?) and you have time to draw that last world

Attack Cards

Oblivion hits for 10 damage which is enough to wipe out some heartless with Sora's Atk

and now to be out of reality (because it's an SRU) Utlima Weapon, defeat a heartless with it and you get to draw two cards. with 13 support it's a staple card for the racer looking to end Dragon Maleficent.

Dark Cards

Parastie Cage takes enemey pan/or anything else they may need badly.

Behemoth makes them waste they're friend cards.

Barrel Spider is a nice hinder

Sleath Sneak


Gargoyle is even worth consideration.

Hope this helps

World Rush is certainly a strong archetype but certainly doesn't have a "serious advantage". Aggro can stall WR and WR can stall aggro and Joat tries to do both (how effective it is I don't know because I don't like the play style but there are a good amount of options for it)

One can argue player cards all day and all night but you forgot to mention the LaD Sora lvl 2 which has very good stats. Player card choice is very dependent on the sort of meta you play in and what heartless you seem to run into. if your Meta is WR then you could simply Want to second and stall them out and race faster that way. or if your meta seems to be more Aggro or JoaT based then going first and more hp is something you will want in your player card.

That is correct Behemoth's effect takes place before pans but Pan is still good. He has search power both with wendy and Neverland lvl 2 and is certainly a good option to consider if running cloud as cloud will pretty much pave your way to worlds.

While cards like Dumbo, Bambi and Simba are good, they are still subject to your meta-game. if you see a lot of Owl in your meta, then you should cut pack on the high level magic friends and run the lower level options and a Tidus or two to get rid of Owl (Sebastian, Ducks their Tidus etc. etc.). Dumbo is also improved if you run Deep Jungle lvl 2 and Bambi is nice negative deck space and Simba is nice for getting rid of fodder and replacing it with something big and nasty.

Donald is certainly not as good of an option as he used to be but can be considered if you are running high cost spells but there are other cards that both cast and bring an ability to the table and are usually better options (though donald lvl 1 has 3 magic which can certainly be useful)

Jack+beast/herc is still good but again, if you see a lot of dark decks (or aggro) you may want to lay off relying on it but Jack, Beast and Herc all bring other things to the table and are certainly still excellent cards to put in your deck.

Tink will hurt aggro much more than Sebastian ever will...there soul eater's effect can still go off and the other 2 attack cards are basically dead drops in the Aggro vs. WR match-up. if you want to hurt Aggro, healing with Tink or an Ariel lvl 2 is a better option (though I don't advise Ariel unless you don't see a lot of triton)

Never, by any means, limit yourself to the Shadoqua formulas for WR, They have worked when he first said them in set 1 but my no means do they work now and every world should be considered. "Don't play a lvl 3 world unless you are prepared to kill 3 heartless"-Dut...his words are very true. Disney is nice for a lil win and fun to catch your opponent off gaurd with it but certainly don't depend on it to win your every game. lvl 1's have cards like Destiny Islands, Castle, Monstro lvl 1 and some other search worlds. lvl 2's are very interesting and provide you with a whol array of effects that can be powerful and hinder your opponent (atlantica lvl 2 for example). Cards like the Doubling worlds, Search worlds (most of which are very good) and Atlantica are good cards. Lvl 3 worlds always hinder you in some way, whether predictible or not but it is best to stick to what is most predictible and go from there.

No one can really argue that Oblivion and Ultima Weapon aren't good (as, they are, very good) but over reliance on attack cards can be bad. Oathkeeper is nice too corazon.gif

Ah man Dark cards are SOOOO dependent on your meta. Behemoth and Cage are always good and certianly put a kink in the opponents plans. If you see a lot of phil and lack of pan, then Gargoyle is amazing but there are other ways of dealing with those heartless so keep that in mind. Aquatank can be good too =)

thank you very much for all the help. You guys really helped me. I think I want to build a world racer now. How hard are those cards tp get that are listed above?

A lot of the cards mentioned are uncommons. though some are common and things like the King, Ultima Weapon, Triton etc. are all Super Rare Uniques.

What pack should i focus on getting right now

Moderate to Slight Difficult.

Hit my trade thread with a list and I can see what I can get for ya ^_^

I dont really have any cards to trade. I have only bought 2 packs and the only holo I hit was a cloud.

I see....hmmmm......well that is a bit of a bind.

"Dut, if you wish to discuss the state of the meta, I would be more than happy to discuss it with you, my mind has many things which I have not shared with the community and no one has yet seemed to pick up on these things that I have been thinking of for quite some time. Maybe someome will surprise me"

I have a few tricks up my sleeve also. But at the same time I am curious as to the many things on your mind which people haven't picked up on.

- dut

dutpotd said:

"Dut, if you wish to discuss the state of the meta, I would be more than happy to discuss it with you, my mind has many things which I have not shared with the community and no one has yet seemed to pick up on these things that I have been thinking of for quite some time. Maybe someome will surprise me"

I have a few tricks up my sleeve also. But at the same time I am curious as to the many things on your mind which people haven't picked up on.

- dut

You can drop me an Email at [email protected] anytime or anytime I'm on aim you can IM then too. I'm sure you've picked up on a couple of things, I got a couple of tricks from the recent MTG metagame....figure that one out gui%C3%B1o.gif

Deathsycthe, buy a box of set 2 and set 3 and half a box of set 1 and you should be all set for most deck making

do you recommend any special place on buying them for cheap

CCGarmory is cheap, when i ordered my first packs of set three they were about a 2.49 a pack and the boxes were around $54.00