Will Cadwallon be based in Terrinoth (Or the World of Mennara)?

By Darkfire14, in Cadwallon: City of Thieves

Just wondering about Cadwallon the board game and if its going to be another product based in the Runebound universe. It could seeing the minitures seem to be the same design and Cadwallon could add more detail to the world. So do you think this board game will group itself into a series of products by Fantasy Flight Games or is this one going to be its own setting?

I might be wrong but i thought it set in Aarklash, the world where other Rackham games are set; Confrontation, Hybrid, Ragnarok and ofcorse the Cadwallon RPG?

Mind Robber said:

I might be wrong but i thought it set in Aarklash, the world where other Rackham games are set; Confrontation, Hybrid, Ragnarok and ofcorse the Cadwallon RPG?

Correct. And i expect the minis' sculpts to be more detailed.

The miny scultur has existed in casting a few years ago. You can still find them on some store. This is a good news that AEG has bought the Rackham licenses for north america ( It seems from this release and the Dusk game that use AT43 rules) I just expect more new material as the first page of the rule book is cover already used by Rackham and the board reminded me of the cadwallon gaming tiles...

Cadwallon is its own universe go see rackham and confrontation for more about the universe there is also a fantastic rpg but its in french and only 2 books made to english both with the worst translations I have ever seen.