Three Blind Mice idea...need help

By Laughmask, in Grimm RPG

I'm new to the game, hoping get my friends into it by starting them off with a bang. Long story short, the players arrive in the grimm lands after being locked in a fake dungeon at their school's medieval bazaar that's held by the upperclassmen. When the dungeon door finally re-opens they find themselves in a dungeon, their only friend along the way (other than themselves) is a Wishing Rock named Pete Moss. He was cast aside when the castle was built, being a round rock and not a slab, he was cast aside by the dwarven builders and only hopes that the kids will be a way out of the dungeon. After managing to snake their way out of the dungeon, one of the paths they take may lead them to a small courtyard and on the other side is was seems like a small inn of sorts named The Farmer's Wife.

Besides the oddities in the courtyard, the players will eventually be confronted by 3 blind, tailless mice mounted on cats and prepared for battle. After explaining their history and past encounters with the farmer's wife (The rotten egg came scouring through the castle, spoiling their whole cheese supply just with his passing odor, so they set off to steal some from the farmer's wife) the mice ask them to join their side in arms and aid them in seeking vengeance on the wife.

And this is where I'm stuck. I'd really like to add a twist to the farmer's wife, but I'm not sure how. Nor have I decided what to do should the player decide to help the farmer's wife instead of the mice. As far as who's good and who's bad, I'm thinking maybe both are either good/bad (preferably bad...afterall it is grimm) with their own evil intentions. I'd like to see your suggestions, whether it's how the battle could ensue, the evil side of the farmer's wife, or even an entirely different idea regarding the 3 blind mice. I'm open to anything, I just seem to be stuck at the moment.

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As a side note, I currently on have 2 other people who seem to be immediately interested in playing. Is it really even feasible with 2 characters + a narrator. I'm hoping to get the comfortable with roleplay so they can set an example for more friends when I have a big get together. If anyone has tips or tricks for small group it'd be appreciated. I created Pete Moss btw for this reason - as a guide for the small group.