random heroes

By sagus, in Descent Home Brews

Some heroes a friend came up with.




Hijiri seems a little underpowered to me but I'm not too sure.

Klaus seems like a superstrong 3 Conquest character that my group of Overlords will not like seeing in play.

As for Hijiri, killed heroes do NOT spawn on glyphs... They spawn in town. They need to use movement to come back to the dungeon.

Your Ryougi seems fun to use. The rest I think are not yet there.

Well I guess spawn is the wrong word for hijiri, I think what he was going for was that she doesn't come back through a glyph, instead can appear at any place in line of site, as for Klaus I didn't think his ability would come up terribly often unless the entire party was specifically trying really hard to get it since the heroes have to be adjacent, though I could be wrong.

Actually, Klaus looks like probably the only hero that isn't significantly underpowered, though I'm still not clear on how Hijiri's ability works.

Kirga, Steelhorns, and Sir Valadir all have 16 wounds, 1 armor, and a conquest value of 3. Klaus has slightly better speed/fatigue, but with split traits and an unremarkable ability, I think he's solidly mediocre.

Hijiri has low defenses and low speed and fatigue, which is inappropriate unless she's got a very powerful ability or some other major advantage. Saving some movement when you die seems like a middling to weak ability to me, especially if it exposes her to continued attack on the same turn she died, though if she's allowed to use that ability any time she returns from town (not just after dying) that's a LOT stronger.

Shiki has a high conquest value, mismatched skills, and is missing a skill, and doesn't seem to have anything to compensate for it. That's a typical stat line and a middling ability at best (well, maybe it becomes good in an advanced campaign when you're rolling silver and gold dice, but in vanilla it's unexceptional). You could her conquest to 2 and replace her 2 subterfuge skills with 3 combat skills and I think she'd be fine.

Thanks for the suggestions, that may be a much better ability for Hijiri.



+1 to everything Antistone said. If there is one person you listen to, he's the one 9even though we don't always agree). The newer hero look much better.

I'd just say, and the same goes for everyone making heroes, if you change the term 'black dice' to 'power dice' then the characters become more useable in advanced campaigns generally.

Black dice = Power dice = black dice in vanilla
Black dice are power dice but power dice also include silver and gold dice (double and triple versions of black dice respectively) in Advanced Campaigns.

I was originally going to say Ryougi's ability was too powerful, but then I noticed she was a 3-trait Melee hero with 8 health and 1 armor. Now I feel kinda sad for her. ^^;

I concur that Antistone is the man when it comes to analyzing mechanics to determine if heroes are well balanced.