For those curious as to why this fourm is here...

By Hellfury, in Cadwallon: City of Thieves

There is big news this week coming from AEG. In keeping with our long-standing practice of informing our partners and players of the happenings at AEG, we’d like to make an announcement before the official press release later this week.

Dust Tactics along with a good portion of the Dust Games library is moving to a new home with Fantasy Flight Games. AEG initiated and engineered this new arrangement to all parties involved upon the realization of several factors. First and foremost, our commitment to our players to only take on games we can fully support and our commitment to our partners at Dust Games to make sure their games get the attention they deserve.

The combination of all the Dust Games releases, the scheduled AEG releases, and support for Legend of the Five Rings and Thunderstone had us growing faster than planned.

While not an easy choice to make it is the right one. This is a great deal for each company involved and while we cannot disclose the terms of the transfer, all parties feel they ended up with a winning hand.
AEG will remain as focused and committed as ever to our products and keeping our focus on L5R and upcoming new AEG games. We will continue to help our partners at Dust and Fantasy Flight who have become good friends, to successfully transition, produce and promote these games we love.

So what now? The Fantasy Flight game machine will take over where AEG left off. Fantasy Flight will handle the launch of Dust Tactics and City of Thieves at Gen Con and all games other than The Adventurers line will move to Fantasy Flight.

Questions will be addressed on our forums. You can visit to ask questions or leave comments. This is an exciting time for everyone involved. For all players anxiously awaiting these games, Fantasy Flight will announce release plans in the next few days.

We will see you at Gen Con!

The AEG Team


Personally, I think its a great move.

The games format matches perfectly with FFG's thematic games they typically sell. If one were to open the box you would think it was an Fantasy Flight game and not a game produced by Alderac Entertainment Group.

I just hope this transfer doesn't cause the games being transferred to be delayed too badly....

What is City of Thieves? I am glad I forced you to ask. gui%C3%B1o.gif

This was already on my wishlist at Thoughthammer. (I just kind of wish I could have money automatically deducted from my paycheck and sent to FFG.)

This looks like a really fun game with an interesting theme. The art looks great as well. I'm sure we'll hear more about this as time goes by, but a good first impression.

Hey there Hellfury, didnt expect to see you here :-)

yeah, I am very excited about this game. I have had something similar in the works for a year or so but this is different enough to where I am not bummed out. The figures are great! I am very much looking forward to getting a play in.

How will this affect the "Pre-Sale" with pre-painted minis at Gen Con? Will AEG be selling them, or will FFG?

Christian Lindke said:

How will this affect the "Pre-Sale" with pre-painted minis at Gen Con? Will AEG be selling them, or will FFG?

FFG will be selling them, but at the original booths that AEG had signed up for.


Or else I'm going to get out my riot gear.