My son and I played our second game - which was Scenario 1. One of the special rules of the scenario was that the French (me) had to stay in column formation. Ugh. That did not help the cause at all.
So the British formed up their line, sent out skirmishers and waited for the French to Advance. The French Calvary started out having one of their units out of command, and that was a delay while they got that sorted out. The French Right side of the Line was also significantly further away than the left.
As the battle commenced, there was a decent equalibrium until unties began retreating or routing. It wasn't until late in the game when some good manuevering by the British yielded some excellent results. Their middle held as well, with only the right flank starting to buckle by game end (but still after eliminating an entire group).
Overall, we had fun, although as the French, I didn't like the scenario, which is historically a bad loss for the French. I verified that result, losing 25 figures lost to 13, but that barely told the tale as 4 of the 13 I killed were 2 artillary figures (which count double) and he killed several of my commanders (which aren't counted).
I specifically wanted to take notes through this play to make observations and ask questions...
1. Question - Can a movement card move an out of command unit? IE if your calvary unit is out of command (and thus 'cannot move') - can an event card during the movement phase allow it to move anyway?
2. Observation - Moving Hex Vertix to Vertix makes it appear that the units are 'sliding' from one hex to another yes? It's an odd way to move as opposed to hex sides.
3. Question - If an artillary piece is higher than another unit does it still get +1 for being higher at 2 hexes away?
4. Question - Is there a downfall to skirmishers?
5. Observation - Changing orders is hard. I wanted my unit of calvary to change to a movement order from the attack order it had. Having a 5 base number to follow orders, I still needed a 6 plus on the die to execute them. It seems very difficult. (and subsequently, we don't change orders all that much)
6. Quesiton - If one unit of a group is in Hex A and another is in Hex C and another unit from another group is in Hex B (between them), Can the UGC occupy the middle Hex (of the group he doesn't belong to?) so that his two units stay 'in command"
7. Situation - French Column attacks British Line. British play event card to 'Counter charge with beyonets'. British cause retreat of Calvary - Question - do they get to advance?
8. Question - Can a unit that used the formation change segment to eliminate a disorder token then be used to support in the same action phase?
9. Question - A Calvary unit with a manuver order can move 2 hexes. Can they use 'At the Gallop' Event to increase that to 3? (The card says that the Calvary unit can move '2 hexes' instead of 1. Should it read...'move an extra hex'? (Or is it not available because the calvary is 'already galloping'.
10. Observation - Either Calvary Suck in this game or I suck using them.
I can't seem to hit a unit that doesn't go into a square. And then they are mired in that area. They don't seem 'as manueverable' as I'd like.
I think that covers the basics. Don't let anything I've said deter you. We had lots of fun and I can tell from the first game we learned alot and will continue with tactics as we continue to play...