It's possible to use all the expansion decks once?

By iena, in Runebound


I'm a new runebound player and a new forum user and... I'm italian so...sorry for my not perfect english!!

My doubt is:

It's possible to use all the espansion decks once, even if this decks don't contain any event card?

As you can see, this could be problem because the probability of reintegrate the challenge tokens decreases dramatically...

Maybe an home-rule is required?

Thank you for your collaboration!!

You are already aware of one of the big problems of adding in more cards to the adventure deck: throwing off the balance of event cards.

And you wouldn't want to/couldn't add in ALL the expansions anyway, as some have different end game situations and cards that are specific to that variant.

What I've done when I've added cards is to take out cards as well, and then rotate cards in and out of the adventure deck from time to time. That way, you;re not seeing the same challenges and events all the time, and it is easier to maintain the balance of events to creatures.

Enjoy the game! Ronan salutes you!

Thank you very much Torbal. Basically I have to consider the different decks as a set of different adventures...That isn't a problem!!! I'm an expert role game player.

See you around!!

I got all of the challenge and market decks in one big pile. Events and Encounters aren't really a problem, since all challenge boosters bring additional events and encounters with them, so the ration stays roughly the same. More of a problem is the fact that there are a lot less market cards for magic users if you mix in all the market cards, giving rangers and melee guys a severe edge. This is in our games usually migitated by the fact that we choose our heroes, there's never more than one mage being played and the one playing it lives with a slight handicap in a game that's heavily based on luck anyways.

As far as I can tell the challenge decks that I have don't come with any event cards, so the ratio does in fact become skewed. One solution we discussed is to replenish all adventure tokens for a particular color as soon as the last token is taken for that color. Another would be to replenish when an encounter is drawn (for that color only perhaps). Yet another would be to simply use the faster game rules and only have to spend 3 XP on experience tokens.

The pace of our games is getting seriously dragged down by the lack of regular event cards. It almost seems like the expansions weren't playtested properly or something.

I have all the challenge card and market card expansions mixed in with the base game and in our two and 3 player games we have not had any problems.

Did any of the expansions you used come with extra event cards? We are using the undead one and the foresty one, and neither of them have any event cards.

I believe Drakes and Dragonspawn & Shadows of Margath do have Event cards.

I'm not sure about Beasts and Bandits & Traps and Terrors. I'd have to go through the Challenge deck to see.

Beasts and Bandits & Traps and Terrors also have Event cards.