Massive Preview for Masks of Nyarlathotep an AH campaign

By Ornendil, in Fan Creations

Here are some of the new stuff I've cooked up for Masks. The goal of the MoN expansion is to create a large scale campaign variant for the game, with some new rules and mechanics as well as lots of cards only usable with the expansion. At the same time, I'm trying to make sure that it builds off the main game rather than take it over completely. Some of the cards and even a version of Nyarlathotep: Messenger of the Outer Gods will be usable outside of the campaign, so that you will have an 'all out' option as well as a mini option. I have yet to play test these cards, but my intent is to have Masks be rather challenging. With testing and feedback I hope to have someting that's well balanced but deadly (the Call of Cthulhu campaign is notorious for killing off investigators). I came up with the Cult leaders as a way of replicating the vast conspericy feel of the campaign, they will be brought into play via effects of Campaign cards, and they build off each other. Finally, this expansion is designed to really beat on the investigators' sanity (in good Cthulhu tradition), perhaps too much, but I will also be including items allies and encounters that will allow for much needed sanity gains, and some of the monsters provide sanity points when defeated. Let me know what you think! Also--I will be fixing the expansion symbol :)


The Crawling Chaos Himself


Is the cultist attribute something that is specific to the expansion?

The Cult Leaders







I'll reitterate my question since I fear my post may be wedged in a spot where it might not be noticed.

Is the cultist attribute something that is specific to the expansion?

Cult Members. The cultist attribute is so the various cult members could be included in regular games as non spawn critters

memberofthebrotherhoodf.png memberofthebrotherhoodb.png followerofthebloodytongr.png followerofthebloodytong.png devoteeofthebloatedwomah.png devoteeofthebloatedwoma.png

worshiperofthesandbatfr.png worshiperofthesandbatba.png

Veet said:

Is the cultist attribute something that is specific to the expansion?

Yes, it's a way of building off the game's regular cultists, I may make it so the priests, maniacs and the like in the regular game would be considered to have the attribute as well. I'm also going to include nonspawn versions of the cult members so they can be played in the regular game and will be affected by all Ancient Ones

Actually if you just say they are treated as cultists then they are cultists like the child of the goat or dark druids effects, you don't need to invent a new mechanic to cover it.

The Cult Leader Pets and other fun critters

thechakotafrontface.png thechakotabackface.png thethinginthefogfrontfa.png

thethinginthefogbackfac.png shaktisdemoncatfrontfac.png shaktisdemoncatbackface.png

spawnofnyarlathotepfron.png spawnofnyarlathotepback.png thebringerofwisdomfront.png


Veet said:

Actually if you just say they are treated as cultists then they are cultists like the child of the goat or dark druids effects, you don't need to invent a new mechanic to cover it.

yes, that would be easier :)

a few more things. the Twin Scepters is an example of a Mask item. The Blue Diamond on the Grey Dragon Island location indicates that it's posisble to get to a special location from there (there are three special locations in this expansion, rather than other world locations)

jackbrassbradyfrontface.png mamuhdfrontface.png thetwinsceptersfrontfac.png

isogetarofrontface.png thejujuhousefrontface.png

theegyptianmuseumfrontf.png graydragonislandfrontfa.png

that's it for now. Enjoy and let me know what you think. Thanks Veet for a fast responsesuggestions for streamlining are much needed and appreciated. As you can see, this is rather big, no idea when it will be all done, hopefully before too long.

Wow! I eagerly anticipate your efforts.

It's impressive. Great work, great art, a maniacal attention for details. I'm going to read everything carefully later, and in case, post more specific comments. But for now.. WOW ::smiling::