Eagle King and Lord of Darkness

By Uvatha, in Talisman Home Brews









Now thats better. Old Darkness is a true force now:).

Working on a token system as well (like each time a second 1 is rolled a round add on "?" token to a pool) each of these tokens will +1 to the attack strength of all creatures in the Inner Region. So in this way the Ice Queen and Eagle King Endings can get as strong-stronger than old Darky here.

Makes the game a real challenge.

Also will make the pit fiends and werewolf trouble. Which now against a normal character that makes it that far... they kinda sux.

I kinda like those.

Uvatha good work there!

Can you contact me via email please. Got a few ideas for you.


I'm a little lost here... can someone give me a more expanded explanation of how these cards (?) are used.

JCHendee said:

I'm a little lost here... can someone give me a more expanded explanation of how these cards (?) are used.

Sorry, print them off and put the "question mark" copy on the back of on each of the other three. Then shuffle the three and place them "question mark" up on ethier the Treasure Chamber or the Eyrie. Whenever any character lands there they flip over the top card and play it out. Then reshuffle them all after. Basically like a random space draw really.

Got it... now, what about those tokens? What roll adds a token? Where is the token placed? Etc.

JCHendee said:

Got it... now, what about those tokens? What roll adds a token? Where is the token placed? Etc.

That was just a idea. But it does not work out very well.
Maybe add the number of players to the attack strength of the creatures in the Inner Region

Still working on it.

Any Ideas?

Honestly, the only thing my group has talked about was just a flat increase as is listed on couple of your proposed cards. The LoD isn't too under powered; he's just enough to make sure a player trying to use the dungeon backdoor to the CoC isn't too easy. We have talked about requiring that any player must defeat him in both Battle and Psychic Combat, but then there's the problem of the table of results being adjusted by four combat results instead of two (the character's minus the LoD's). So like you and yours, we haven't quite worked it out.

The Eagle King is a little less of a concern, as he is not a backdoor to the CoC. But my group still doesn't like that teleport to anywhere in the land for a relatiely easy end "boss" to defeat. We're considering a results based table for him just as for the LoD. The problem there is picking destinations that are slightly different than the LoD and still meaningful for an end-exits from place call the Highlands. We'd thought about allowing only exit into the Middle Region from the Eagle King's space. Characters running to the Highlands to stock up on gold and items would then have to face a slightly more dangerous exit and have to get out of the MIddle Region to the Outer Region to spend their gold.

Just seeing this...this is fantastic. Anyone else try this?

Just seeing this...this is fantastic. Anyone else try this?

made these ages ago, could need a update. Anyone else want to make better cards these are just scans and photo edits.

I like the idea but not the implementation. This gives me an idea for a new mini deck :)

You could just use Terrain cards instead.

I like the idea but not the implementation. This gives me an idea for a new mini deck :)

But you have to admit its good for 6 years ago :) .

It's timeless ;)

They are great but it would be better as Terrain cards. With a different back like the ones you have. And also one for the Jail and the Meeting of Destiny now.

They are great but it would be better as Terrain cards. With a different back like the ones you have. And also one for the Jail and the Meeting of Destiny now.

They are great but it would be better as Terrain cards. With a different back like the ones you have. And also one for the Jail and the Meeting of Destiny now.
I tried that and didnt like the sideways orientation. Being, technically, a monster I thought this orientation was better.

Well if your going that way a simple +2 +1 attack strength + spell casting on text would do as well.

Made new ones... Here they are, cut them out (you could enlarge so they cover nearly the whole space) glue together both Eyrie and both Treasure Chamber place with the side to the right face up on the space.. Play.


Edited by Uvatha