
By Ordo Hydra, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

Hi all

How are people utilising/interpreting this talent?

I only ask because I'm wary of the fact that if my players get hold of it then it seems to infer that they can gaze at Tzeentch's true face and not flinch.

I dont mind them storming gun nests and the odd daemon host but it does seems a little overpowered.

I'm tempted to say that they still make the fear roll but only gain any insanity points awarded as a result. They can ignore the runnning away/fainting/throwing up etc.


That sounds about right, I've actually had a Disorder I've been using in my games for about six years or so now called 'Fractured Mind' that functions exactly like that except they gain double the normal IPs.

Insanity Point gain is still there, but the character simply doesn't cower and flee from the terrors he faces any more. It's not so much that they don't feel fear, but they've got some reserve of willpower that prevents them from being overcome by it, whether fervent loyalty, a derangement of the mind or sheer stubbornness. It also means you have difficulty disengaging from a fight because of this compulsion to stand your ground and fight, no matter what you face.

None of my players have gotten the talent yet, though if they ever end up accompanying their Inquisitor into a horrific encounter they'll benefit from Into The Jaws Of Hell, which will probably be represented by a mixture of loyalty and the knowledge that fleeing while under direct supervision would be an incredibly bad idea.