I was picking though the forums and figured this might be fun, a place for people to post their crews, allies, and foes alike (and Let's not forget the ships of the line that crew them). I'll go first, and remember, the Void is unfathomably large, but the charters granted by the God Emperor often entail ambition greater than the gulf between the long dead stars. >
The Righteous Vengeance of Saint Silvianna: Retribution Class Battleship (Refitted for Trade and Exploration)
Lost to the Warp in Late M37, Originally the Dominus Rex, The Righteous Vengeance was discovered by Illuvian Tallock in early M39, head of the Rogue Trader house Tallock, The choice to refit and repair her bankrupted the house and stripped it of all holdings and vessels. Ten Generations later, The Righteous Vengeance of Saint Silvianna cuts her prow across the Void under the command of Rogue Trader L.Caastor Von Tallock. The Most recent in a long line of Tallock's who are working to rebuild their dynasty centuries after Illuvian's folly. While still rebuilding the wealth of Tallock, The recent generations have managed to win a great deal of prestige and notoriety. Thanks in no small part to the Righteous Vengeance of Saint Silvianna, but for all her power, this maiden of the void holds dark secrets that only the insane dare ponder…
The Brotherhood:
Lord L.Caastor Von Tallock, Age 26, Rogue Trader of House Tallock
The Youngest Tallock Ever to lay claim to the Vengence, he inherited command from his father who perished during joint effort between the Tallock Dynasty and Battlefeet Calixis. A death resulted from the betrayal by the Battlefleet, L.Caastor hides his first name in honour of his father, to ask it, to know it, is to have your lifespan measured in days if not less. L.Caastor is reckless, driven by the mad ambition of his Ancestor Illuvian (To whom he greatly resembles.), he seeks to restore The Tallock Dynasty. But unlike his predecessors, he has a ruthless streak far beyond what is normally called for that is only matched by his own ferocious sense of honour. In appearance L.Caastor stands slightly over six foot, his body honed from hours of physical training, he leads from the front lines the Ancient Power-Sword of Tallock in one hand and a Bolt Pistol in the other. His dirty blonde hair is cut short in the style of a undercity ruffian rather than of a nobleman. Ice Grey eyes stare out from a youthful face crossed with a pair of scars, all that remains of a Eldar Warlock who dared stand between him and a prize. Reckless to a Fault, Gaul bordering Heresy, and Ambition hot enough to burn the stars themselves. L.Caastor will see the name of Tallock Restored and exaulted upon the bones of all those who stand before him.
Arch-Militant Deland Ramirez, Age 47 Lord General of House Tallock
Formerly of the imperial guard, Deland was a hero before his boots ever set forth upon the decks of the Vengeance. Recruited by L.Caastor's father to marshal the houses standing forces into something slightly more than Ship Defense force. A master of Ranged Combat and veteran of hundreds of battles, As a member of the imperial guard Deland has fought xenos scum and tratior filth alike. During a Dark Eldar raid on the planet of Caldebera VIII, his regiment was on the verge of being slaughtered if not for the timely intervention of House Tallock, it is to them he and his regiment owe a debt of honour, and to which he is gladly payment. Deland is a middle aged man who has recently received a Juvenat treatment to keep him in common form, a large man standing several inches over six feet his blood red armour and dead eye shot with the heaviest of weapons have granted him the moniker "Bloody Ramirez." His long silver hair is kept in a high ponytail that frames his overly scared face. His left eye is a bionic attachment fitted with a fearful secret. Ramirez was the man who dragged L.Caastor's Fathers broken body from the then ruined bridge after the betrayal by Battlefleet Calixis. His failure to protect the man to whom so much was owed sits heavly on his shoulders, only strengthening his resolve to let nothing harm L.Caastor Von Tallock.
Magos Explorator Helena Andromadies, Age 25, Master of the Machine Cult Aboard the Rightous Vengeance of Saint Silvianna.
The Young Explorator is a prodigy by Mechanius standards, with a near instinctual understanding of the Machine Spirits coupled with a dangerously open mind catapulted this once promising young Magos into the crew of a Rogue Trader. Helena still suffers from the most dangerous part of the weakness of the flesh, her cranial circutry was never fully implanted often leaving her suffering debilitating headaches but allows her to retain most of her reviled humanity. Her human face still intact with minmal visable augmentation allows her to converse freely with the crew as most of her respitory hardware is encased internally. Her appearance is often equated to that of a nearly seven foot tall woman in a "Adamantine Corset." as her self designed augmentations have only refined her divine human form making her often appear to be a wonderfuly baroque animated sculpture. keeping her cowl down she as been mistaken for a Sister of Battle in Power armor on more than one occasion. she has cultivated her long red hair to reach all the way down half past her waist, to which it conceals a pair of tendril like mechandrites that she uses in her work. In addition to her duties maintaining and studying the secrets of the Vengeance, she has gained extensive knowledge of the Divine human form, thus serving as L.Caastor's personal apothecary.
Navigator DeLional Idoni, Age 32, Navigator of the Righteous Vengeance of Saint Silvianna.
Lord Idoni is a young scion of the Magisterial House Idoni, a Tallented Navigator and the last in a long line of Idoni's to serve House Tallock. After two hundred more years before the mast DeLional's house will be free of the debilitating contract that has shackled them to the Tallock. Despite this fact DiLional enjoys a far better relationship with L.Caastor than he did with his father. Both sons of a nobles, DeLional acts often as the older brother, and the voice of wisdom to L.Caastor's firebrand nature. A master of both The Course Untraveled and the Art of Foreshadowing, DeLional has made himself invaluable asset to L.Caastor, and perhaps his truest friend. His family ties run thick however, he would be lying if he never put House Idoni's Interests above those of Tallock. It is also alone within his power to unleash the deadly murder servitors aboard the Vengeance, unknown as their presence is to the rest of the crew. To further his shadow influence the long limed and pale navigator has taken advantage of the fact that after the betrayal by Battlefleet Calixis (Secretly occistraated by House Idoni to free them of their contract) DeLional used much of his personal forture to help recrew the mighty voidship, thus fully half of the Vengence's crew serves a power other than her chartered master, unbeknown to all but the Lord Idioni and no other.
Farseer Andarieal Ael'Lynndare, Age Unknown(Called Youngling by other Eldar), Captured Farse er .
Andarieal was once a powerful and promising Eldar Farseer, until a mission to retrieve a artifact from the Ancient Enemy went sour. Upon exiting the webway, the Farseer and her retinue was confronted by the whole sale excavation of the site by the Forces of Tallock. They did not even have time to retreat before the attack, and even if they did the webway portal was damaged by the right of first fire going to the monkeigh. The only survivor, witnessing the death of her Warlock escourt at L.Caastor's hand, was taken as a living trophy by L.Caastor she now finds herself in his employ. A complex Archeotech device hangs around her neck, binding her once impressive psychic might to only a fraction of what it was. Gravity cuffs fashioned by Magos Andromadies bind her wrists and ankles, with a moments notice from either her or L.Caastor she would be unable to move. In L.Caastor she once though a monster even among his own kind, but to her suprise he listens to her consult far from the eyes and ears of his crew, when in public however she remains chained to his command throne upon the bridge; Small by Even Eldar Standards, her long platinum hair has since lost some of its sheen and her bright green eyes some of their fire. she sits now clad in the tatters of her once luxurious robes and psychoplastic armor all that is left to comfort her of the life she has lost, and the beings she now is forced to work with.
Lady Commander Cassiopeia Rae, Age 23 Void Master and Commander at Arms of House Tallock.
On the Vengeance, L.Caastor's word is law, but beneath him is the Lady Commander, Commander At Arms of House Tallock. the Rae Family has served the Tallock's since before even Illivian Tallock's time. Another youth placed forth by the deaths caused by Battlefleet Calixis's betrayal, but none the less competent if not inexperienced. "Cassi" as she is called by her equals and her lord, has managed to cultivate a terrifying reputation second only to Bloody Ramirez. Fiercly devoted to L.Caastor, she is also his bodyguard, and untold expenses have been placed by the Rae Family Elders into many almost heretical gene treatments and subtle bionics to make her the ultimate shield to the young lord. Her own goals are far more base in nature, there have been dozens if not more members of the Tallock Dynasty that sprang from the women of the Rae Family, though there has not been one in seven generations, She wishes to see this changed as she does share L.Caastor's bed often enough. Cassi is an unassuming woman of roughly five and a half feet, her short red hair is well maintained and her lithe athletic body belies a strength that can, and has torn a Ork in half with her bare hands, showering her porcelain white skin with foul Xeno Ichor.
That's my group I'm currently running with, I Play L.Caastor Von Tallock, our current adventure has us braving the Unbeholden Reaches following rumors of a partially functional STC on a long lost forge world. Against us in the Void is the Heretic Forces of Warsmith Iacthos and the forces of fellow Rogue Trader Marshal Adaldar. I look forward to seeing who else is out there plying the Void between stars that the God Emperor's servants have dubbed the Kronus Expanse!