Will my wife ever let me play this game?

By joeyman3, in Chaos in the Old World

This game looks sweet and I have heard great things from others. My worry is that I will buy the game and won't be able to play with my best game companion, my wife. I know the game is about four evil powers (controlled by us) trying to corrupt and ruin the world. What I'm wondering is, are there pictures or words or other things that would make this game seem evil or be (rated PG-13 or higher) if you know what I mean. I really want to buy the game, but I don't want my wife to see the devil in me either. Help a guy out.

I dunno. How does she feel about Arkham Horror and the Cthulhu mythos? That's pretty evil.

Well, there aren't any swear words, and there isn't any room on the cards for flavour text, so nothing disgusting there. The board looks like it's on flayed human skin, but most of the flavour is mechanical or in the names of cards.

So unless your wife is very easily offended, I doubt she'd be offended. On the other hand, it does play up to the Warhammer feel very well, so I can see those who don't know it not enjoying the game as much.

My wife actually has no issue with the cthulhu type stuff. The good thing about all the cthulhu games is that you're always against the monsters. I have mostly been worried that playing the game as a super evil power of chaos and corruption might result in too much for her, especially if the game is ramped up to make you feel evil. It sounds like it won't be so bad though. Cross my fingers!

This is the only forum topic I have discovered for this game that answered most my questions about how self-censored the game is.

No cussing, no disgusting flavor text details. I can see the titles of the cards however themselves can be pretty graphic. Overall, Slaanesh's card titles make me wonder how the game interacts with his mechanics and how perverse they get. Otherwise, from what I see and understand, the game does not seem as dark as what others had been making it out to be, seeing as I enjoy watching movies like the Hellraiser series. People reviewing the game were warning about it maybe being darker than even that, and I was having my doubts about the game being purchaseable due to how graphic it could get.

I have played the game a couple of times with my fiancee who is my main gaming partner (obviously two other people dropped in to play this game too). She didn't think it too dark, and quite enjoyed it really (she played Khorne, which is relatively straightforward, and she really got into the whole random violence 'blood for the blood god' thing).

Anyway, though it might look very much a 'boys game', I don't think it is much more than any other strategy type game really. I didn't find it overly graphic in any way really. Yes, a game about corruption, and evil gods and such like, but the game is well done, and not over the top.


Good question

I have seen a few reviews online where the reviewers found some of the content objectionable…

I have no such sensitivities, and i feel some people are just a little too uptight

There are no curse words or expletives, but the board mimics human skin stitched together and stretched over the board(very cool in my opinion)

Some of the cards have gross names(nurgles mostly)

I think you guys will have a blast playing this