Black Goat of the Woods Difficulty Levels

By Quizoid, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

So... due to my geeky personality, I'm trying to develop some sort of guidelines for my group in the use of the Difficulty Cards. Here's what I'm thinking so far.

I'm not really into using them with new players. I don't think new players need an easier game with vets around to coach them, I think they need a less complex game (so I take out the special GOO cards, the herald, and the guardian).

Method #1: Tier it up

What I plan on doing with Ghost Stories. Start with Discomforting and move towards Ultimate Cosmic Evil. If we win a game, move towards harder, if we loose, move towards easier (or stay put). Keep track separately for each different number of players (I can just make a quick Numbers [mac Excel] spreadsheet for this).

Method #2: Offset the # of Players Thing

I think it's fairly decided that having Mythos phases more often is not offset by monster limits and the like, and the game is directly easier with more players and harder with fewer. Well, I was thinking I could use these cards as a golden opportunity to even those odds a bit. Here's an idea:

(number of players is unmodified)

Players Level

1-2 Discomforting

3 Nauseating

4-5 Mind-Damaging

6 Ye Liveliest Awfulness

7-8 Ultimate Cosmic Evil

My logic for grouping them the way I did: 1 & 2 are clumped, because it's not exactly twice as easy to kill the GOO with 2 than 1. I think it's only slightly easier, because with one you have the advantage of a very easy to plow through Doom track.

4 & 5 Up to five, and you're already over the monster burst hump. That's enough of a bump of difficulty.

6-8 I did this kind of arbitrarily. Not sure if there's big jumps in easiness here. I'm not sure if I've ever even played with more than five.

So, tell me what you think!

I dont want to knock your idea, but to chime in, I personally believe that the difficulty cards are the lamest thing FFG ever came out with. I never intend to use them and In fact will most likely throw them away...they are that useless. Just my opinion.

I may use them against AO that have not won a single game (Glaaki thats you). To make the game harde and Visa Versa (your a evil bastard Yog'Sohoth).

Bravo McWilley said:

I dont want to knock your idea, but to chime in, I personally believe that the difficulty cards are the lamest thing FFG ever came out with. I never intend to use them and In fact will most likely throw them away...they are that useless. Just my opinion.

I agree that they feel somewhat artificial, and are totally devoid of theme.

My guess is that they created them due to the community gripes about the game being too easy and too hard (depending on who you ask). These were especially prevalent at the game's inception, before most people on the forums figured it out.

Quizoid said:

Bravo McWilley said:

I dont want to knock your idea, but to chime in, I personally believe that the difficulty cards are the lamest thing FFG ever came out with. I never intend to use them and In fact will most likely throw them away...they are that useless. Just my opinion.

I agree that they feel somewhat artificial, and are totally devoid of theme.

My guess is that they created them due to the community gripes about the game being too easy and too hard (depending on who you ask). These were especially prevalent at the game's inception, before most people on the forums figured it out.

I can't argue that they lack theme and are a quick fix. But I think that is their purpose - a quick fix without a lot of setup. If you want a more difficult game with theme, add the expansions as you always have. But if you want to alter the base game without expansions, or don't have time to modify decks, toss one of these cards out on the table and get started.

I'm not sure the difficulty cards are the lamest thing FFG every came out with, but I will concede they are definitely not the coolest. I won't use them, either, but it may be convenient for other players to have them at their disposal.

If players wanted to "set" a difficulty level for a game, I would recommend handicapping through selection/means by which they select GOO/investigators, the use of heralds. They could also adjust available skills, common items, spells, and unique items.

These adjustments seem better to me because they are born out of the elements of the game.

Right now, I'm experimenting with the BGotW herald. Next up, Shub. Woe to the unlucky investigators who encounter those Dark Young.

Hey there,

Just got the BGotW set and I like what I see. The only thing w e probably won't be using is the Difficulty cards. We still have a good time altering the diff level with the Expansions. I don't think that the Diff cards are a waste or are the Lamest things ever. I just agree they are a quick fix for people who want to alter their setup with out havig to sort through the cards to seperate the expansions, or having to shuffle in the new cards from an exp to ensure a good random mix.

It is a pretty good innovation t answer alot of the complaints from people stating that it's too tough or too easy. each exp ups the diff a bit and gives a good injection of theme, but these cards are just for Difficulty complaints. Saying they are worthless is a bit harsh. you may think they are a waste, but I'm sure there are a lot of peole out there that think this is just what they were waiting for.

I soubt we'll use them, but who knows. I don't take anything for granted with Arkham Horror, other than a good fun night with my buddies.


I was really suprised that they bothered with making them in the first place. You can already adjust the difficulty of the game with guardians and heralds, which is a lot more themeatic anyway. This is the first addition to Arkham Horror that I feel is simply unneeded. That being said, it might be a good adjustment for other players, who want a quick and simple way to adjust the game and not take up a lot of table space. Really to each his own, I just don't think I will ever use them.

I can't say I can see a point to them at all. There are so many ways to alter the game already making it easier or harder or just different that these cards just seem pointless.

The difficutly cards are great for what they are meant to do--make the game harder or easier with a minimum of fuss. If you think they are "pointless", you probably missed the few thousand forum posts here, at BGG, and other places complaining of both extremes no matter the heralds, guardians, etc. Just because you don't feel the need to adjust the game further is no reason to knock more options for other players. A simple "I don't intend to use them since I think the game is fine as is" would be sufficient.

Kobu said:

The difficutly cards are great for what they are meant to do--make the game harder or easier with a minimum of fuss. If you think they are "pointless", you probably missed the few thousand forum posts here, at BGG, and other places complaining of both extremes no matter the heralds, guardians, etc. Just because you don't feel the need to adjust the game further is no reason to knock more options for other players. A simple "I don't intend to use them since I think the game is fine as is" would be sufficient.

Agreed. It's a hell of alot easier just slapping down a card that says everyone starts off cursed, than coming out with some new variant. ;'D I would like both though.