Protective Amulet - Unlimited Power

By Jegergryte, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

Hey peepz.

I have a Star Wars rules question.

The Protective Talisman in Unlimited Power. This nice trinket has all kinds of nice bonuses (among them: ignore vacuum and corrosive atmo, ignore acid and fire, attacks with weapons having the Burn quality count as not having the Burn quality), it is cheap and Easy to craft, and has seemingly few limitations - it is not explicitly stated that it has a duration or is one-time use.

What is your lot's take on this?

That it's overpowered and should be nerfed considerably, probably to a one-time use with a set duration, such as one encounter or X number of rounds (X*5=minutes of narrative time).

I think this was answered from the developer in the d20radio forums or the Order66 podcast regarding Unlimited Power.
The question was about the low price, no limited duration, generally overpowered.

if I remember correctly, they said there was no duration and was not owerpowered, because it would be used so rarely, that it would not be a problem.

But sadly I can not find the post on D20radio forums. But I will look again tomorrow

2 hours ago, 09/20/Thanos said:

if I remember correctly, they said there was no duration and was not owerpowered, because it would be used so rarely, that it would not be a problem.

I mean, this was my initial reaction. It is circumstantial.

However, I couldn't find an Order66 episode. Please let me know if you find again your source.