Returning player rules clarification questions

By Marauder1983, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

I am just returning to the game after a 4 year absence and I have a few rules questions I am hoping the community can clarify for me.

1. Do friendly ships count as obstructions?

2. If a CR90 front hull zone is in arc and just barley gets the the leading corner of a defending front hull zone, how is the LOS measured. when i measure it it would cross through my side/front arc line, is this a legal shot. I will try to add a picture for clarification.

Thank you!


1. Yes.

2. If any part of the defending hull zone is is arc, and you have line of sight without crossing through any of the defender’s other hull zones, you have a clear shot. That Liberty definitely has a front to front shot on the CR90; if a little corner of the Liberty is in the front arc of the CR90, then it also has a front arc shot because LoS looks to be basically across their bows. Does that answer your question?

Edited by The Jabbawookie
18 minutes ago, The Jabbawookie said:

If any part of the defending hull zone is is arc, and you have line of sight without crossing through any of the defender’s other hull zones, you have a clear shot.

That's correct in most cases, but there's an exception that is important to mention because is a pretty evasive rule. Even if LOS doesn't cross another hull zone, if the range (closest point to closest point) is traced through another hull zone, you cannot make that attack. It's a pretty rare case, but it's worth mentioning.

yes thank you both.