Brother Praetus said:
Against Cultist 4 we see Assassin X once more parries; this time with the reaction granted by Wall of Steel . Again there is a successful use of counter-attack , deftly alleviating Cultist 4 of his head.
Cultist 5's attack is easily dodged by Assassin X, thanks to his final reaction granted by the Step Aside talent.
-=Brother Praetus=-
Isn't this too many reactions? You have parried twice as well as dodge. It is my understanding that while step aside and wall of steel allow an extra dodge and extra parry by granting an additional reaction, you are still limited to two reactions. For example you can not parry twice, dodge twice or one of each in a round rather than, as is implied here, you have two dodges and two parries equalig four reactions. Or did I read this post, or the rules, incorrectly?