[BGG Forums] “Strategy” the New “Squad Lists”?

By JBFancourt, in X-Wing

Oof. I created a BGG account, but navigating from the home page, I couldn’t even find the X-Wing 2.0 section, never mind your post. I followed the direct link, and managed to make a reply post (I’m Cpt_ObVus over there), but... yikes. The whole situation is impossible to navigate.

EDIT: That sounds unnecessarily negative. It’s probably mainly that it’s new, and I find new tech stuff challenging. Most important is that there are a lot of us showing up there, and that’s good! Come. Join us.

Edited by Cpt ObVus
20 hours ago, Cpt ObVus said:

Oof. I created a BGG account, but navigating from the home page, I couldn’t even find the X-Wing 2.0 section, never mind your post. I followed the direct link, and managed to make a reply post (I’m Cpt_ObVus over there), but... yikes. The whole situation is impossible to navigate.

EDIT: That sounds unnecessarily negative. It’s probably mainly that it’s new, and I find new tech stuff challenging. Most important is that there are a lot of us showing up there, and that’s good! Come. Join us.

Try making this your “Home Page” for BGG Forums. (Ie make this your Bookmark on your web browser.)


Edited by JBFancourt

This post should be pinned on the first site, as I as well couldn't find this page: https://boardgamegeek.com/forums/thing/252328/star-wars-x-wing-second-edition

and was always using the general discussion as a main page, which made the impression that there is no order whatsoever over there - at least none that could be compared to this FFG forum.