Jyn Odan's Quick Draw ability

By Mattboggan, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

I would like a clarification: Jyn Odan's Quick Draw must be used at the start of a hostile's figure activation. But is it possible to use the Interrupt at any time during the figure's activation or must it be used also at the start of the figure's activation?

Thanks for you insights!

Jyn Odan's Quick Draw triggers at the start of a hostile's figure activation. You either pay the cost and resolve the ability at that moment or choose not to.

Very few abilities can be "put on hold", and then they explicitly specify that and use tokens or other methods to track it.

Edit: Also, because these forums are going down, check out the Imperial Assault (rules) forums at boardgamegeek.com . Also, googling "Imperial Assault Quick Draw" would return you suitable threads.

The top match has some interesting rules talk. https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1345288/jyn-odan-quick-draw-clarification-timing-resolved

Also, https://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/1631857/ability-resolution-order-during-attacks


Edited by a1bert
