Archiving The Forum

By Ardaedhel, in Star Wars: Armada

This forum holds a wealth of knowledge, history, and discussions around the game. Given the wording of the announcement, FFG doesn't appear to be planning to archive and set it to read-only, to transfer all of this to AMG, or in any way perpetuate it.

In the interest of ensuring that everything here is not lost, I am crawling and archiving the main Armada forum and all of our subforums. I don't have a clear plan for what I'll do with it, how best to make it accessible to the community, how thoroughly I'll host it locally, or anything like that. I banged out a script this afternoon that I'm running now, that will produce a complete list of URLs to every page of every thread on Star Wars: Armada and all six subforums, as well as downloading the raw HTML for each. That means I'm capturing pretty much all the text from the forum, but none of the graphics or richer features like that.

I am not a good person to be doing this. I'm terrible at webscraping; I'm not a web developer; I have no interest in running a replacement forum; I have no plan or aspiration to host all of this on a website or anything. If there's anybody who is interested in this project and wants to contribute in any way--technical or not--please reach out. I'm happy to share what I have.

PLEASE NOTE: If you're going to test the linked script, please have a rudimentary understanding of how much performance impact you'll have on the server first! I don't want to be responsible for a DDOS that knocks down the FFG forums for the entire last month that they're up! If you want to try it out, pick one of the smaller subforums to test it against.

Edited by Ardaedhel

I have been an FFG forum user since 2009. This is pretty much the last blow for me as an FFG customer and fan. So sad seeing this grand company being torn to shreds and so many talented people getting the boot. I have little faith that AMG and the other successor companies will be able to continue what FFG started and pretty soon there will be nothing left of the games we all loved. To say nothing of the communities that we have built around these games. This year has been an especially hard year for us Table Top gamers. Many game stores have been forced to close their doors permanently due to lack of customers and thus sales. And now these very forums and all the collected knowledge they contain are being dumped into the digital dust bin. There are a lot of long out of print games (like WFRP 3e and Arkham Horror 2e) that still have fairly active communities on this form here. I would love it if at the very least FGG would keep the forums in place as a read-only archive. But I doubt they will do that. Asmodee seems **** bent on destroying any good will with their customers for some insane reason.