My Gunslingers....
++ GUNSLINGERS! 2.0 [793 Points] ++
+ Commander +
•Cassian Andor [104 Points]: A280, Offensive Push
•Han Solo [100 Points]
+ Operative +
•K-2SO [80 Points]: •Jyn's SE-14 Blaster†
•Sabine Wren [152 Points]: Personal Combat Shield, Recon Intel, Seize the Initiative, •The Darksaber
+ Corps +
Fleet Troopers [70 Points]: Fleet Trooper, Scatter Gun Trooper
Fleet Troopers [70 Points]: Fleet Trooper, Scatter Gun Trooper
Rebel Troopers [73 Points]: DLT-20A Trooper, Rebel Trooper
+ Special Forces +
Rebel Commandos [48 Points]: DH-447 Sniper
Rebel Commandos [48 Points]: DH-447 Sniper
Rebel Commandos [48 Points]: DH-447 Sniper
+ Command Hand +
Command Hand: Sorry About the Mess, •Crack Shot, ••Last Stand, ••Symbol of Rebellion, •••Change of Plans, •••Legacy of Mandalore, ••••Standing Orders
+ Battle Cards +
Condition Cards: Limited Visibility, Rapid Reinforcements, Supply Drop, War Weary
Deployment Cards: Advanced Positions, Battle Lines, Hemmed In, Major Offensive
Objective Cards
. Hostage Exchange
. Intercept the Transmissions
. Payload
. Recover the Supplies
++ Total: [793 Points] ++ [/url]
My opponent:
2xSniper Team
2x Stormtrooper w/DLT, extra trooper
2x Snowtrooper w/Ion, extra Trooper
Ive been keeping my opponent honest by throwing the occassional vehicle at him...once 2 Airspeeders...hence the Ion.
Boba and Bossk choose Cassian and K2 respectively for Bounties.
I win bid. Mission is Supply Drop, Major Offensive, Recover Supplies. Middle of board is a large ( and we agree impassable) body of water with a catwalk bridge with both ends of bridge leading to our deployment. Board divided otherwise longways by a waist deep river (light cover, diff terrain) with two smaller bridges to midway left / right. Various hills, barricade and building providing other terrain.
Objectives are approappriatly scattered with one smack in the middle of the large catwalk (or kill it presents you as a target with no appreciable cover) Supply drop counters are placed directly next to all VP supply objectives. You can basically claim both at once.
My first deployment is Cassian and K2 Smack in the middle brazenly to claim the middle objective. I set up my fleets to cover my two placed close to my lines. Im going to do everything I can to bring home the middle objective for a modest win. Snipers on Hills/guardtower, DLT rebels on midway bridge on my right, Sabine and Han Spreading out eight and left effectively to take rhe middle bridge on both sides.
My opponent sets up with Boba to take the bridge...everyone else burns down Cassian with Ranged fire.
Turn 1. I Change up Plans and frustrate my opponent out of the gate. Cassian and K2 ordered. He had something planned....Some Iden card. Your guess better than mine. Instead he whipcords Fett and makes a major mistake. He immediatly jumps and whipcords Cassian, BEFORE SHOOTING. Giving Cassian a damage free two suppression. With danger sense, Cassian is able to tank almost the entire armies firepower as they attempt to burn him down. Cassian ends the turn with possession of the middle package 4 wounds and some 9 suppression. K2 runs downstairs...on HIS SIDE to threaten his objective and pick up an Arc Welder (lol) Bossk double moves to engagement range. Snowtroopers are also advancing on the middle ramp. Both My fleets are ready to take thier objectives next turn, with one picking up some Bacta and Sabine picking up Targetting Scopes. Snipers target Boba and get a lucky two wounds past his Impervious. DLT Rebels take out a carelessly placed sniper team.
Turn 1 is over. Cassian has the middle objective but is likely to panic as soon as I activate him. I managed activation advantage though by taking out the snipers.
TURN 2 Cassian Last Stands himself and Sabine giving Cassian 3 dodges, and indomitable. Bossks card is double attack turn to try and CC K2.
Bossk knocks on K2s armor wounding, then hunter/attack again. 4 Wounds. K2 will eventually Arc Weld himself and pound Bossk for 3 damage. hth continues to next turn.
After Bossks attack, I weigh whether indomitable will save Cassian from routing. I opt to tank again and just hold the objective...reinforce with Sabine. Draw is sniper team. Bounce off of Boba.
Snowtroopers properly mount the bridge and fire on Cassian. Dodge two and block rest of damage. 10 suppression.
I can tell my opponent wants to draw Boba.
Snipers. 1 Wound thru Boba. 2 More.
He draws Moar stormtroopers. Small damage to Cassian. I just tank it with danger sense.
He wants Boba SOOO bad!
I draw troopers. My fleets move toward Boba forgetting the objective and fire. 5 wounds peirce 1 to Boba thru suppression cover. He gets 4 saves with his extra dice. Boba is dead due to pierce. More activation advantage...Sabines attack run looking good.
Cassian tanks Iden with dodge, suppression cover and Danger sense. Despite damage. 11 Suppression.
My other fleets say screw the objectives too and go for range 3 scattergun shot on Eweb on left bridge. 1 damage on him.
EWeb fires on Cassian doing MAX damage. Cass finally bricks and goes down.
Han moves into the river (heavy cover for him) and starts to soften up Iden and Snowtroopers on the bridge...two wounds to both.
DLT rebels help on Iden but she just saves it.
Middle package is in the open. At this point, Ive decided to eschew the objectives and turn this board into the freaking Wild Bunch, since my Characters are positioned well along with my fleets.
Sorry about the Mess! Sabine Triggers Seize the initiative. Iden throws some scatterbomb card.
Sabine jumps flat OVER the middle objective thanks to her zero-pip order, she blasts three troopers and pushes wounds onto Iden and dares anyone to critique her painting style.
Iden shows off her girl power too and feeds 5 wounds BLAST onto Solo. Solo dodges one. I prepare to curse waiting for his luck to once again fail....but he saves everything. (dont remember if it was peirce 1 or not.)
Solo moves up and kaks Iden. Blasts two more snowtroopers.
EWeb tears into solo with a barrage generator. decent damage and suppression on solo now
DLT rebs flatten a couple of Stormtroopers out of a full squad threatening the right side, his board edge objective. 2 troopers down.
Those same troopers double move to pick up that objective next turn.
K2 gives himself strategy and almost kills Bossk.
Bossk mashes K2 getting the bounty then picking up the objective he just happened to be on.
Left side Fleets Execute the EWeb.
Three remaining Snows decide it will be somehow helpful to slow down Sabine and double move to engage Sabine who ignites her Darksaber.
Right side fleets move to optimum range and annihilate the remaining stormtroopers about to grab objective with nice roll peirce 1.
My opponent concedes at this point. Im pistol whipping him into oblivion and he has lost a second character and two more units to my single sacrificial distraction droid. All weapons in range and blasting...and Sabine is fresh and has barely started. I agree that he has nothing left but Bossk...and he just cannot carry the day alone.
Another victory for gunslingers.
The max Fleet troopers units are seriously flexing in this list with so many close range threats. They make the range 2 band just so dangerous now...its not even funny.
Cassian remains as a total PITA. He just tanks like crazy mid board. Somtimes opening with Crack Shot, sometimes not. Killing that little cheap insect is normally enough distraction to get my guys in position...At least Sabine to assist or pick up his dog tags and take over.
Fun, destructive, shooting list!
Edited by Deadshane