25 minutes ago, Luahk said:@P-47 Thunderbolt
' They don't have to watch their actions, because they aren't worried about slipping. In a campaign focused on dark side characters, this is lackluster.'
' You want a mechanic to make them concerned about going too dark side?'
I see the usage of the darkside itself as inherently dangerous. (I put this in bold because I feel this has been wildly missed despite numerous posts and i'm unsure how to be clearer. Not to be a ****.)
As in every time you use it that it costs you, changes and alters you in ways beyond simple morality.
I am aware @Daeglan of the redemption mechanics. That's not at all what i'm discussing or seeking. Nor am I trying to 'force' anything.
I am also aware, as @emsquared laboured with, about the morality system. I do not feel that it comes close to covering what I highlighted in bold.
If i did I wouldn't be here.
what you said in your first post was describing a secondary morality system with aesthetic or intangiable differences. Which have no actual mechanical cost and end up at the same conclusion of the Morality system of you becoming an NPC.
That's not cutting it for me.
And whilst the Trauma mechanic introduced in the Genesys core is a good start i've not tried it to say that it does work but on paper that's more what I want.
It strikes me, based on this conversation, that most of you are perfectly happy with the set up as is. That the current format works perfectly fine, even in the setting i'm using, so there is no deficiency to speak of. So it could just be that I have a fundamental disagreement upon the way in which the Darkside works.
Mr @ErikModi
I don't see it that way, or at least I don't set up things nor do I RP in a setting where that is the case. You go on to say...and perhaps most PRECISELY..lie in the disagreement with your intriguing philosophy again where we diverge (and i'm happy to do so btw I've no problem with being the other side of the fence)
' It's their galaxy, everyone else is just living in it.'
I get this sentiment. I seriously do. But this is..the hero of tython's galaxy...or THeron shan's. We often RP as characters significantly below the "Heroric" level. But with the potential to get there. Certainly when I set the table that's what I am for my players to RP in whenever we use this setting. ESPECIALLY as darksiders. They are special, as force users its easy to say they have high potential or something, but they're not Luke's party special yet.
Back toThunderbolt (not that I don't appreciate all responses but he and I have had other chats a lot of times before) I've tried for years to handle this through roleplay. It has had varying degrees of success and failure.The reason I use this system, or any for that matter, is consistency and objectivity. I imagine many here have come from forum or text based RP where dice are not used...I prefer them because of what options it lends to me. I've tested a few home rules before that I wasn't satisfied with because they were too punishing (as I think Erik said) or actually did the reverse and made it even less of consequence to use darkside characters. I'm hoping to figure out something that lends that consistency whilst remaining in that narrative crux.
I wasn't talking about the redemption mechanics.