Here it is, the most prestigious tournament that might not have any prize support, isn't physically played, and isn't officially sanctioned! Possibly the most prestigious tournament of 2021, and some might argue 2020! It's up to you to prove that you are the best at a digital representation of a plastic spaceship pushing game! That's right, it is the 2021 Armada Vassal World Cup!
2016 Armada World Cup
2017 Armada World Cup
2018 Armada World Cup
2019 Armada World Cup
2020 Armada World Cup
Leader Roles:
Whoever is Spectating Your Game!
Structure: Custom
- 2021 World Cup Format, with 3 Rounds of POD play / 3 Rounds of SWISS / 2 Rounds of Elimination, extended time to complete games.
Tier: Premier
- "Premier events are the highest level of competition for Fantasy Flight Games tournaments. At this top level of tournaments, players are expected to have a moderate amount of experience. Players should be familiar with not only the game rules, but also the FAQ and tournament regulations. The focus is on a competitive and fair environment."
Any player pair that are unable to play during a given round window will receive a 1 point loss each. Either player has the opportunity to concede to their opponent if they are unable to schedule and believe they are more to blame for the scheduling conflict, which will result in a 8 point win (140 MOV) for the other player, and a 1 point loss for the conceding player. Players are encouraged to post their scheduled games to the thread once they agree to a game time. A no-show by either player for a scheduled game will result in a 1 point loss for that player, and an 8 point victory for their opponent, with 140 point MOV.
The Format (New for 2021):
POD Phase: All players will be assigned into a POD of 4 players. During the POD round each player will play the other 3 players in their POD, earning Tournament Points and MOV as usual. The top 2 players in each POD will go on to the Swiss Phase. Everyone is expected to be able to schedule time to play everyone else in their pod within 3 weeks (averaging 1 game / week). PODs will be built to try and give players opponents within or near their preferred time zone to make scheduling easier.
Swiss Phase: Players will be seeded for the first round based on their Tournament Points and MOV from the POD Phase, and play will continue for 3 rounds of Swiss, each round lasting 9 days. Players should post within 2 days of each swiss round start when they will be able to play their opponent. During Swiss Phase, normal Swiss pairing will apply, but no players will be matched up with their POD opponents in addition to Swiss Opponents . The top 4 players at the end of the Swiss Phase will continue to the Elimination Phase.
Elimination Phase : The remaining 4 players are reseeded based on Tournament Points and MOV from both the POD and Swiss Phases. After 2 rounds, the remaining player will be the 2021 Vassal World Cup Champion!