Heavy Blaster Pistols and ammo

By RLogue177, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

The entry for Heavy Blaster Pistol (EoE, pp. 162; AoR, pp. 174; FnD, pp. 167) notes that it can run out of juice on three Threats, as well the usual Despair.

Is that valid for all heavy blaster pistols, or just generic ones that don't have specific entries in various books?

I've always assumed it was true for all heavy blaster pistols, unless overridden by the specific blaster info.

I believe it only applies to the Heavy Blaster Pistol, but I don't have that large a sample size for Heavy Blaster Pistol stat blocks. If it's intended to apply to all heavy blaster pistol varieties, then you run into the question of what classifies as a heavy blaster pistol? Does it have to say "Heavy Blaster Pistol" in the name?

Then you get to the Holdout Blaster. This, in my opinion, is the greatest contradiction to the idea that the ability applies to all, as I know there are specific varieties of holdout blaster that still cite adding a Setback when concealed. If the generic statblock's abilities were supposed to apply to all like weapons, it would not need to specify that.

That said, it would be perfectly reasonable to simply add a "runs out of ammo" rule to the statblocks of HBPs that don't have it listed.

Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt

I also feel like it applies to all heavy blaster pistols. There is another line in the description that says HBPs are regulated and you may find yourself in trouble if you don't have the proper permits. Since the CRBs don't stat out any specific models, these descriptions should apply to all the HBPs.

There has been at least one other heavy blaster pistol that specifies that it has this rule (and it might have run out with only two Threat) and one other that I can recall that is supposed to be special because it does not have this issue.


what classifies as a heavy blaster pistol?

Sometimes the description will help you out with this: The DE-10 and DC-17 from Collapse are both heavy.

Most pistols that do 7+ damage are explicitly heavy blaster pistols.

These three don't: DR-45 Dragoon, H-7 Equalizer and Nova Viper. Definitely houserule them as heavy blaster pistols if you're going to use the ammo depletion rule. They're just too good otherwise.

Edited by welldressedgent

Summary: any pistol with 7 or more damage should be classed as heavy. Plus weapons like the DE-10, which are described as such.

I agree with HappyDaze. We see in individual stat blocks where this rule applies. I presume that in blocks it does not apply, we do not see that description.

HappyD and Kaosoe look technically to be right. Expanding the ammo penalty is a pretty good houserule though.