Eta-2 Actis Reviews

By Makikis, in X-Wing Squad Lists

I've noticed that there aren't really many people who review/unbox new X-Wing ships, so I thought I would start this thread for people to review the Eta-2 Actis that came out recently.

Please try to take more list-build-y discussion-y type things elsewhere. This is intended to be a tool for people looking into buying the Eta-2 Actis. (Also please let me know if someone is already doing something like this).

Obi-Wan Kenobi (49)
Marksmanship (1)
Autoblasters (3)
R7-A7 (3)

Anakin Skywalker (41)
Marksmanship (1)
Passive Sensors (2)
R4 Astromech (2)
Adv. Proton Torpedoes (5)

Barriss Offee (38)
R4 Astromech (2)
Calibrated Laser Targeting (3)

Luminara Unduli (42)
R4 Astromech (2)
Calibrated Laser Targeting (3)
Total: 197

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0

This is one I've played around with. Swapping Obi for Aayla a few times. Either one is pretty darn solid. Barriss is a great wingmate for an autoblaster Actis.

Anakin Skywalker (Eta-2) (56)
Brilliant Evasion (2)
Juke (7)
Stealth Device (8)

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Eta-2) (49)

Brilliant Evasion (2)
Juke (7)
Stealth Device (8)

Mace Windu (46)
C1-10P (8)
Calibrated Laser Targeting (3)

Total: 196

this is a list I have only tried once, found it fun to fly and did annoy my opponent as he was heavy ordinance list ( 2 named B wings with proton and a decked out U wing) so kept causing him to lose his TL with Ani and C1-10P

However i found it may have lacked a punch it took a while to blow through a ship but once i got the 1 ship advantage i was able to be a bit more aggressive.

Ended with only losing Half on Mace (1 health left) and half on Ani ( 1 health left) got cocky and took a range 3 TL proton. thankfully had the evade.

need to try it out some more and see if the lack of punch is to crippling.

I have tried this last night

Anakin Skywalker (Eta-2) (56)
Brilliant Evasion (2)
Marksmanship (1)
Autoblasters (3)
R7-A7 (3)
Stealth Device (8)

Ship total: 73

"Broadside" (36)
Ion Cannon Turret (5)
R4 Astromech (2)

Ship total: 43

Jedi Knight (37)
Delta-7B (12)

Ship total: 49

Shadow Squadron Escort (29)
Deadeye Shot (1)

Ship total: 30

Total: 195

I played against a rey and 2 A wings list, it was brutal

I am still trying to learn how to fly the ETA, I went in hard a bit to early and lost a health early on. so spent the rest of the game running away from Rey as if I got stuck in the front arc it would have wiped on Ani.

I won in the end 200- 148, had a one health shadow squadron escort and one health ani at the end.

The shadow escort was the ship of the game it was ignored for so long it kept using deadeye multiple times on Rey and got lucky with a roll one less dice attack and some other crits that just crippled rey for a few turns.

I really like the deadeye talent, feels like I want to try a mini swarm of ships with it and the ANI I used for all of the faceup damage cards.