The Mi-Go Misdirection

By Bashkar, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

Concept: Mono Shub Misdirection Deck

Optimal win: turns 6-10

Most challenging opponent: Character Removal Decks (Agency)

The concept behind the Mi-Go Misdirection Deck is to swarm your opponent with Mi-Go characters and misdirect the blockers into fights of your choosing. The deck is tuned to work fast but is somewhat slower than a fast investigator style of deck. This d eck must aggressively attack and can possibly be at its prime by turn 3-5 with the right combination of cards.

Character Cards (33 total) - all are Shub faction

x3 Gibbering Soul *1* - enables you to bring another Shub character into your hand - used in the opening to get a Mi-Go Scout or in the later stages a Slavering Gug

x3 Priestess of Bubastis *1* - Used to reduce the cost of other Shub characters - you want at least one of these on your initial draw

x3 Ageless Mi-Go *2* - Give all Mi-Go a Toughness of +1

x3 Mind Eater *2* - used to slow down a fast investigator deck by stealing investigator icons

x3 Insect Swarm *3* - used to increase the cost of neutral cards... excellent skill and possesses a combat and terror icon

x3 Mi-Go Scout *3* - gives all Mi-Go the investigator icon. A nice to have card on the initial draw

x3 Mi-Go Surgeon *3* - gives all Mi-Go the arcane symbol

x3 Mi-Go Warrior *3* - exhaust to cancel a wound on a character... perfect for defending the vulnerable Slavering Gug

x3 Mi-Go Commander *4* - gives all Mi-Go the combat icon

x3 *Y'Golanc *4*- pay 1 to ready a character and force it to commit to the same story... used to force opponents characters into their demise

x3 Slavering Gug *5*- excellent sniper card used to wound opponents and very useful to win icon struggles after the opponent commits to stories

Event Cards (11 total)

x3 Burrowing Beneath *2* - used to destroy a support card

x3 Mi-Go Dreams *3* - used to bring Mi-Go characters back from the discard pile into your hand

x3 Shocking Transformation *3* - used in combination with a Gibbering Soul to bring a Slavering Gug into play and Y'Golonac into your hand all in one combo

x2 Dhole Attack *4*- used to destroy a key location and attack with a monster

Support Cards (6)

x3 Eat the Dead *1* - Place this on a Gibbering souland use it in combination with the Shocking Transformation for triple the fun to add get Slavering Gug into play along with Y'Golanac on your 3rd turn

x3 Ghoul Taint *1* - Attach to enemy character to prevent it from commiting to a story as an attacker... enables you to slow down fast investigator decks

Lol...again I am running a very similar deck!

My list is:

3 Gibbering Soul

3 Priestess of Bubastis

3 Mind Eater

3 Ageless Mi Go

3 Mi Go Surgeons

3 Mi Go Scout

3 Mi Go Warrior

3 Mi Go Commander

3 Ancient Guardian

2 Y'gnolac

3 Burrowing Beneath

3 Horrific Mutation

3 Altar of the Blessed

3 Summoning Circles

3 Shadowed Woods

3 Shocking Transformation (*may be replaced as I only have 3 copies and my Shub/Cthu deck needs this card more)

3 Eldritch Nexus

But again our decks have different sub-themes going on...your deck has more brute punch with the insect swarm, gug and dhole attack whereas mine focuses on abusing the bejesus out of the Ancient Guardian and Summoning Circle. A few Nexus and Priestesses and its down right scary how fast you can flood the board with monsters. I chose to skip the Mi-Go event due to it's high cost and limited use...I find the woods in general to be much more useful as it is cheaper and reuseable (plus it is usually a non-Mi-Go that I want back anyway...Priestess tends to have the biggest bullseye). Speaking of which priestess + ancient guardian basically allows you to spend resources from other domains. Ideal resource set up is 3-2-1 (plus 1 resource nexus domains). You never really need the 4th resource due to shocking transformation and the summoning circle easily being able to fetch a priestess in a pinch. Altar of the Blessed may seem like a very odd choice but with all of the extra single resources I can usually get 1 or 2 out early and once the Mi-Go's have toughness being able to defend several characters with a single Mi-Go is nice. Not great...but nice.

I considered Eat the Dead as it is one of my favorite Shub cards but it didn't fit for me...I don't need the resources as much as I need my dead characters back! That said it looks a lot more useful in your version of the deck! Horrific Mutation is a great surprise card as I am packing very, very few terror icons it is a nice last minute surprise. Saddly, I may need to pull Shocking Transformation out of the deck as I am also running a Cthu/Shub deck that needs it a lot more for Ravager nastiness. I am thinking about replacing it with Spawn of Madness to allow for untapping and other surprises on my opponents turn (or just a free summoning circle search...Mi-Go's can get so many arcane icons).

(*Edit- Oh yeah...the Mind Eater and Y'gnolie also love the Nexus!)

I like your twist on this deck with summoning circle. I think I overlooked its use / abuse with such small text. Because our decks are close in design I am going to try some tweaks and see how it fares against my yog/hastur and a quick investigator deck.

I haven't been particularly happy with the results of a mono colored shub... It doesnt fire off as smoothly as other decks I've played with but I do like a Mi Go theme.

Last night this deck did very well against MU/Agency investigator and Syndicate/Agency beats. Once a few different Mi Go's hit the table it's like a wall! These plays helped confirm that the deck is absolutely fine with a 3-2-1 resource setup even though it has eight four drops. There is enough search that having a priestess in play is never a problem. If I don't have her, focusing on the little mi-go's is fine too. With warriors and ageless, losing the combat getting wounded isn't a big deal! Very, very fun deck.

Thanks for the input... I made some significant modifications that make my new and improved Mi Go deck much more solid... at least until the next expansion hits the shelves ;)

I would add Bred to survive to the migo deck.

The problem is the mi-go are quite heavy to play and weak for the first 3 turns. Even Gibbering Soul/Priestess just give you a kick in, but the don't prevent your character from a potential destruction. We share the same analysis concering the need of toughness, which answer you gave with Altar of the blessed.

I do prefer Bred to survive for two reasons.

First, it's an event and your opponent can commit without any idea of what you may play during the story phase. I agree it don't prevent direct attack to the priestess, but if you got summoning circle out, no problem to search for a second or third priestess.

Then, Bred to survive can allow multi-surprises (as you commit characters to differents stories). It can make you win the game if your opponent is full-drained ... and did commit thinking that he had the force to do so !

Interesting...sounds like you use bred to survive in a similar situation to the way I use horrific mutation. However, I do not think the way that I resource would compliment bred to survive well. If I have open multi-resource domains open it is obvious that I am playing something. This is also the main drawback of shocking transformation but that card is so good I don't care. Additionally, I am not all that worried about losing characters. I can spawn them fast and Shadowed Wood allows me to get them back. Lastly,ageless mi-go only cost 2 to bring out so toughness is easy to come by. I use horriffic because no one notices 1 lone looks like I am just saving it for an ability.

Shocking Transformation *3* - used in combination with a Gibbering Soul to bring a Slavering Gug into play and Y'Golonac into your hand all in one combo

combo doesn't works. coz sacrifice isn't destroy(((