Spending Surges,Exchausting Cards as Empire and attachment cards

By Thamiar, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

I have got three questions. When attacking as a hero or empire henchman, after rolling dices can I spend multiple surges on the same ability?

Star Wars Imperial Assault - Stormtrooper Elite - mtgandmore.de 300?cb=20150513182612
For example in this case, use 2 surges for Pierce 4? The same case for stormtrooper, 2 surges for 4 dmg?
Also does bleed apply to all attacks made by nexu?

Imperial Assault Imperial Class Decks
Do I understand it correctly, that I can use it every round?

Empire attachment cards can be used once per Mission, or they are single use?

Edited by Thamiar

You can only use each ability once per opportunity. You can spend only one surge per surge ability per attack. (This is why some weapons have ~: +1dmg twice, and that's why some weapons and deployment cards have ~:+1dmg ~:Pierce 1.)

Also note that heroes have an ability to spend one surge per attack to recover 1 strain. And for each strain not recovered the hero recovers damage instead. (So if a hero has no strain tokens on their sheet, they recover damage by spending a surge during an attack.)

All Nexu attacks have the Bleed condition keyword, thus if the target suffered damage from the attack, the target gains the Bleeding condition after attack resolves.

For the full story see: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/1631857/ability-resolution-order-during-attacks

All imperial cards and hero activation tokens (not hero cards!) are readied during the Ready Step of the status phase. So, Surgical Strike can be used up to once per round. (An imperial figure needs to perform an attack to use it. And before you ask, both imperial and mercenary affiliation figures are imperial figures during the campaign.)

What attachment cards? Imperial class cards that are attachments can be added to a deployment card when the group is deployed. (This applies also to initial groups.) If the group is defeated, the class card returns to the IP and can be attached again in a later deployment.

If a card requires you to Deplete it to use, then it's once per mission. See Abilities for costs of abilities.

Also recommended: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/filepage/168240/consolidated-star-wars-imperial-assault-rules

Edited by a1bert

a1bert Thank you very much!

All imperial cards and hero activation tokens (not hero cards!) are readied during the Ready Step

The same applies to hero abilities?
uncaptioned image
I can use Smugglers Luck once a round for reroll or additional draw of supply cards?

The cards of each hero ready at the start of their activation. Thus, if a hero exhausts a card before their own activation during the first round, they get to use it up to twice (or 3 times if the hero has two activation tokens) on the first round. (It's not tied to rounds but to their activations.)

All other cards (imperial cards and rebel allies, and if there are any rebel reward cards that are not assigned to any hero) ready during the Ready Step of the status phase.

My general advice is to just observe if the card is exhausted or ready - i.e. can you pay the cost? And then remember to ready cards when they should be readied.

There are abilities like Jyn's Quick Draw which are tied to rounds - (Quick Draw can be used once per round, or twice per round if Jyn has two activation tokens).

Edited by a1bert