[Ruling] Superior Authority

By Goateh, in L5R LCG: Rules Discussion


Another quick question, this one is about Superior Authority. The templating is a bit weird, and I want to confirm a couple cases:
1) Does Superior Authority only apply to characters currently in play when the card is played, or does it apply to the conflict itself, such that characters being put into play with no fate AFTER Superior Authority is played also do not contribute skill?
2) Does the "cannot contribute" part of Superior Authority remain even if the character receives a fate (ex: via Called to War) after Superior Authority has been played?

Superior Authority applies a lasting effect to the conflict, not to the characters within the conflict. (For reference, it would apply the lasting effect to the characters if it said “each character with no fate does not count its skill…”) Therefore, which characters count their skill is checked when the conflict resolves, so characters who enter play (or lose fate) after the event is played will not count their skill, and characters who gain fate after the event is played will count their skill.

[Tyler Parrott, Oct 20 2020]


Another follow up question that someone raised: how does this interact with Hiruma Yoshino?

Good question! (Man L5R is complicated isn’t it.) The character in your provinces does not have fate on it, therefore Superior Authority would prevent it from contributing its skill even though it is not in play.

[Tyler Parrott, Oct 21 2020]