Finding Friends for K-Wings

By Roller of blanks, in X-Wing Squad Lists

BTL-S8 K-wing - Warden Squadron Pilot - 44

Warden Squadron Pilot - (38)

Multi-Missile Pods (6)

BTL-S8 K-wing - Warden Squadron Pilot - 44

Warden Squadron Pilot - (38)

Multi-Missile Pods (6)

Sheathipede-class Shuttle - •Fenn Rau - 52

•Fenn Rau - Reluctant Rebel (50)

R4 Astromech (2)

T-65 X-wing - •Wedge Antilles - 60

•Wedge Antilles - Red Two (54)

Predator (2)

Ion Torpedoes (4)

Servomotor S-foils (Open) (0)

Total: 200

View in the X-Wing Squad Builder

List requirements: must have at least one K-wing with MMPs

Everything else is up to you!

New Squadron

(38) Warden Squadron Pilot [BTL-S8 K-wing]
(6) Multi-Missile Pods
Points: 44

(38) Blue Squadron Escort [T-65 X-wing]
(0) Servomotor S-foils
Points: 38

(38) Blue Squadron Escort [T-65 X-wing]
(0) Servomotor S-foils
Points: 38

(38) Blue Squadron Escort [T-65 X-wing]
(0) Servomotor S-foils
Points: 38

(33) "Zeb" Orrelios [Sheathipede-class Shuttle]
(7) K-2SO
Points: 40

Total points: 198

just something I threw together here. You can fly them all together in a massive firing squad. Or fly them in groups of X-wings, and the other is warden+Zeb. The k-2so can be moved from zeb to the warden or changed to C-3PO. Zeb is there for flexibility in the way that if your opponnent over commits on one ship (maybe the warden who knows) you can either help that ship with a barrel roll/focus, or punish them with a double modded shot from someone else.


(38) Warden Squadron Pilot [BTL-S8 K-wing]
(6) Multi-Missile Pods
Points: 44

(38) Warden Squadron Pilot [BTL-S8 K-wing]
(6) Multi-Missile Pods
Points: 44

(44) Kashyyyk Defender [Auzituck Gunship]
Points: 44

(44) Kashyyyk Defender [Auzituck Gunship]
Points: 44

(22) Bandit Squadron Pilot [Z-95-AF4 Headhunter]
(2) XX-23 S-Thread Tracers
Points: 24

Total points: 200

Warden Squadron Pilot (38)
Multi-Missile Pods (6)
Sabine Wren (3)
Thermal Detonators (3)
Delayed Fuses (1)

Warden Squadron Pilot (38)
Concussion Missiles (6)
Cassian Andor (5)
Conner Nets (3)
Concussion Bombs (4)
Delayed Fuses (1)

Warden Squadron Pilot (38)
Diamond-Boron Missiles (5)
Proton Bombs (4)
Proximity Mines (6)
Delayed Fuses (1)

Arvel Crynyd (32)
Intimidation (3)
Starbird Slash (1)
XX-23 S-Thread Tracers (2)
Total: 200

May I ask why mmps and not barrage rockets?

3 minutes ago, KingmanHighborn said:

May I ask why mmps and not barrage rockets?

MMPs are two points cheaper and give superior arc coverage.

That said, I think the K-Wing may be the most hopelessly awful ship in the game, and I don’t think it’s even salvageable until they give it a way to SLAM and drop the disarm, or another turnaround maneuver, or a way to enhance its turret damage. Or something. It can’t even carry a Talent for some strange reason.

I wouldn't say it's hopelessly awful but I feel you. I think it needs a sensor slot so it can take passive locks or chuck bombs.

Wardens and generally anything with low I, struggle to get locks which is why I lean more towards barrage rockets. That said you can make do with k2. Not sure right off hand if rebel c-3po gives calculates having a hard time accessing yasb or the app atm. Cracken with the Oprah missile might also make a good wingmate for a few mmp k-wings.

Edited by KingmanHighborn
7 minutes ago, KingmanHighborn said:

I wouldn't say it's hopelessly awful but I feel you. I think it needs a sensor slot so it can take passive locks or chuck bombs.

Wardens and generally anything with low I, struggle to get locks which is why I lean more towards barrage rockets. That said you can make do with k2. Not sure right off hand if rebel c-3po gives calculates having a hard time accessing yasb or the app atm. Cracken with the Oprah missile might also make a good wingmate for a few mmp k-wings.

Yeah, a Sensor slot might really help make these things sort-of playable. I’ve often tried to put them in a list and realized they can’t Passive Sensors or Trajectory Sim, and just thrown them out of the list.

I’ve also recently been shown the light on the power of Selfless, and the K-Wing might make a good platform for that, if it had a Talent slot, but FFG has spared nothing to make the 2.0 K-Wing anemic, and denied them even that small comfort.

Yeah it's paying for the sins of the past like the Jumpmaster thanks to Miranda and TLT.

I might try this:

Warden Squadron Pilot (38)
Multi-Missile Pods (6)
Sabine Wren (3)
Thermal Detonators (3)
Proximity Mines (6)
Advanced SLAM (3)

Airen Cracken (36)
Swarm Tactics (4)
XX-23 S-Thread Tracers (2)

Lieutenant Blount (30)
Expert Handling (2)
Cluster Missiles (4)

Tala Squadron Pilot (24)
Intimidation (3)
Cluster Missiles (4)

Tala Squadron Pilot (24)
Intimidation (3)
Cluster Missiles (4)
Total: 199

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0

Talas Initiative match with the Warden for flying, Cracken makes his shot give everyone target locks, and bumps someone up to I5, AND gives them an action to go along with their new found lock. So 'potentially' 20ish red dice with lock+focus, less if you bump with the Talas...but... then they are taking agility away from the opponent.