Hi Guys
I'm new to this game and have been tinkering with my first squads.
I've made the below squad, but cannot understand why this is "extended" game mode and not "hyperspace".
Hyperspace game mode states: "this game mode includes only those components found in the second edition core set and ship expansions"
I have carefully chosen ONLY cards that are in my core set, my Tie Interceptor expansion and my Decimator expansion - which to my knowledge is "ship expansions" and should be part of the hyperspace game mode.
Why am I getting this error message when the pilots stated are part of my ship expansion sets and thus should be part of hyperspace gamemode?
"2 errors
Soontir Fel pilot card is not part of the chosen game mode
Rear Admiral Chiraneau is not part of the chosen game mode"
TIE/ln Fighter - •“Night Beast” - 25
•“Night Beast” -
Obsidian Two
TIE/in Interceptor - •Soontir Fel - 54
•Soontir Fel -
Ace of Legend
VT-49 Decimator - •Rear Admiral Chiraneau - 76
•Rear Admiral Chiraneau -
Advisor to Admiral Piett
TIE/ln Fighter - •Valen Rudor - 26
•Valen Rudor -
Braggadocious Baron
Total: 181
View in the X-Wing Squad Builder
Thank you