Hey all,
So, I'm running an AoR campaign with a Force sub-plot character arc for my Force Sensitive Emergent PC player. We are playing in the Kathol Sector, where, according to Wookipeedia, some Sith Scholars set up research bases on Aaris III & Sebiris c.4000 BBY, studying the Nightmare Lands effects on these worlds. As I understand it (=might be wrong), this is a reference to SW:TOR where I think (=again, might be wrong) Aaris III & Sebiris is only mentioned in as side-quests that you send your NPC staffers off to look into... or something. In shot, I _THINK_ there's very little information out there, but perhaps you SW:TOR players can shed some light or offer some suggestions to what these ancient research bases might contain around 2 ABY?
(As you might have gathered, I've never played SW:TOR, but I like to tie in Canon & Legends stuff whenever appropriate in my games)
The scenario I have planned is a mid-campaign story seeing the FSE exploring a Sith lab ruin in the wilds; so I'm looking for a fun little encounter with some possible background exposition and perhaps a minor combat (not required). Nothing climactic or ground-shaking, just a little wannabe-Jedi side quest
Thematically, the Kathol Sector is ripe with legends of old "gods" roaming the sector in the distant past (WAY before the Sith stuff), and dreams and nightmare are a running thread throughout... which, I assumes, is why the SW:TOR people chose Aaris II & Sebiris as Nightmare Lands research sites in the first place. (In short, the gods "live" in the dreams of Kathol Sector individuals and dreams). It therefore fits well into our overall pre-
DarkStryder Campaign
campaign exploration of the Kathol Sector.
So, without further ado, what would a fun SW:TOR referencing small-scale side-mission look like?
(For reference, neither me nor the FSE player have played SW:TOR, but there's another player in the group who've played SW:TOR religiously in the past and who'll get a kick out of this vicarious experience for sure)
Thanks in advance for any help
Edit: Clarification - non SW:TOR players are more than welcome to brainstorm suggestions, too
Edited by angelman2