Hello all,
Jango Fett's (pilot) ability reads as follows: While you defend or perform a primary attack, if the difficulty of your revealed maneuver is less than that of the enemy ship’s, you may change 1 of the enemy ship’s [focus eye] results to a blank result.
According to my understanding of the rules, Jango Fett's ability (both as pilot and crew) are both rendered useless while a ship with Jango is attacking. This is because in the Rules Reference the order of operations states that during the "modify defence dice" stage:
b. Modify Attack Dice: The players resolve abilities that modify the attack dice. The defending player resolves their abilities first, then the attacking player resolves their abilities.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but what value is there in being able to change a defender's [focus eye] result to a blank if the defender has already had the chance to modify that [focus eye] result into an evade? I really hope this is an oversight that gets addressed, because otherwise Jango's already rather "meh" ability only ends up helping his defensive capabilities.