Vassal Clone Wars Tournament

By Green Knight, in Star Wars: Armada

@RealVeers have you been in contact with your opponent? Was a time agreed upon?

@Green Knight Tried to submit on TTT site but didn't let me.

A magnificent battle of munificents! 3 munificients and 1 hardcell on each side of the table. Many droids were vaporized but the force and extremely lucky rolls were with the sole organic participant, Count Dooku. A great and fun game with Beginner2Winner!

Stoebner: 330
167 MOV (8-3)

Only 2 games left in each group!

8 hours ago, Green Knight said:

@RealVeers have you been in contact with your opponent? Was a time agreed upon?

This weekend apparently cause RV is snowed under

Ya who would have thought end of the year is loaded with work. I’ll try the weekend. Else I’d have to forfeit this round.

My game is concluded i was the 2nd player and we played Surprise Assault the final score was 309 to 33 for me.

Only 1 game left in each group 🤗

Battle shall be joined at 10am est tomorrow!

Final game of the US sector commencing.

Unable to get confirmation on the last game of EURO sector @RealVeers

US sector Round 1 just completed!

Commence primary generation of round 2...

Deadline: Sunday 20th December.

Remember this is SWISS. Pairings are against players with an equal number of points, if possible. MoV is NOT used during SWISS (common misconception). Here, for example, the top 4 player all had 10 points. Guitboxer was the only one at 9, and was randomly paired vs 1 of the 2 players with 8 points, and NOT automatically vs BiggsIRL, even though he had higher MoV than player4047325. Then BiggsIRL was paired vs a random player with 7 points. And so forth. Moreover, you can't play vs the same opponent more than once.


Angry Ewok 1 CaribbeanNinja
Explosive Tooka 2 MandalorianMoose
Guitboxer 3 player4047325
BiggsIRL 4 bleachorange
rasproteus 5 SpeKre
Cael 6 Mala
The Jabbawookie 7 Karenck
Roquax 8 GhostofNobodyInParticular
itzSteve 9 JJs Juggernaut
PT106 10 ransburger
Giraffasaur 11 JolliGreenGiant
emfrank72 12 Tokra
Back Seat Admiral 13 Beanicus
mmusterer 14 scipio83
Maturin 15 CahoonM
LazorBeems 16 Sobonis01
clontrooper5 17 rythos42
Darkwrath 18 Ling27
Edited by Green Knight

@Roquax you seem to be unable to recieve PMs.

anyone else having difficulty getting through to

Jabba and I fight st 7pm PST

24 minutes ago, Maturin said:

anyone else having difficulty getting through to

It's been a bit unstable.

@RealVeers last attempt: has a game been scheduled for today?


Guitboxer vs player4047325 takes place on Friday the 18th at 7:30pm ET.

EURO sector Round 1 just completed!

Commence primary generation of round 2...

Deadline: Sunday 20th December.


RealVeers 1 Green Squadron 3
cadetvw 2 sasska
Goerrit 3 stoebner
Darth Veggie 4 Louis-André
millerlk 5 Green Knight
Mrks. 6 BrobaFett
Aresius 7 Roald
ginkapo 8 EbonHawk
Beginner2Winner 9 187-Leon
NewGandhi 10 Irishmadcat
ZaZ333 11 GaijinSenshi
Edited by Green Knight

Gink vs Ebon


Just now, Ginkapo said:

Gink vs Ebon


Adequately quick.

@Roald vs @Aresius - Wednesday 16th at 20:30 CET


@CahoonM vs @Maturin on Tuesday, 8am Pacific/ 11am Eastern

Edited by Maturin
morning, not evening!