Forces: Empire v. Rebel
Mission: These Aren't the Droids You're Looking For
Conditions: Hostile Environment
Setup: Battle Lines
Orion's just and fair democracy (Empire)
1596/1600 (17 activations)
- Director Krennic (90): Esteemed Leader (5), Environmental Gear (2) = 97
- Imperial Officer = 45
- Boba Fett (125): Environmental Gear (2) = 127
- Bossk (115): Environmental Gear (2) = 117
- Stormtroopers (44): T-21 Stormtrooper (24), Stormtrooper Specialist (12), Environmental Gear (2) = 82
- Shoretroopers (52): Astromech Droid (9), Emergency Stims (10) Fragmentation Grenades (5) = 74
- DF-90 Mortar Trooper = 38
- Snowtroopers (44): Ion Snowtrooper (20), Medical Droid (19), Environmental Gear (2) = 85
Special Forces:
- Royal Guards (75): Electrostaff Guard (25), Environmental Gear (2), Fragmentation Grenades (5) = 107
- Death Troopers (76): DLT-19D Trooper (34), Environmental Gear (2) = 112
- Strike Team (20): DLT-19x Sniper (28), Long-Range Comlink (5), Environmental Gear (2) = 55
- Death Troopers (76): DT-F16 (22), Environmental Gear (2) = 100
- Scout Troopers = 48
- E-Web Team (55): Barrage Generator (3) = 58
- Dewback Rider (75): T-21 Blaster Rifle (5) = 80
- AT-ST (160): General Weiss (1), Mortar Launcher (10), Twin Light Blaster Cannon (20) = 191
- Occupier Tank (145): Elite Armor Pilot (10), DLT-19 Rifle Pintle (18), Comms Jammer (5) = 178
Dad's Rebellion, No Children
1598/1600 (17 activations)
- Leia Organa (90): Esteemed Leader (5), Improvised Orders (5) = 100
- Han Solo = 100
- Luke Skywalker (160): Force Push (10), Jedi Mind Trick (5) = 175
- Chewbacca = 90
- Sabine Wren (125): Personal Combat Shield (5), The Darksaber (15) = 145
- R2-D2 = 45
- C-3PO = 15
- Rebel Troopers (40): R5 Astromech Droid (8) = 48
- Rebel Troopers (40): Medical Droid (18) = 58
- Rebel Troopers = 40
Special Forces:
- 2× Wookiee Warriors (69): Bowcaster Wookiee (31) = 200
- Rebel Pathfinders (58): Bistan (28) = 86
- Tauntaun Riders = 95
- Laser Cannon Team (70): Overcharged Generator (3) = 73
- AT-RT (55): Laser Cannon (10) = 65
- Landspeeder (60): Outer Rim Speeder Jockey (10), Rocket Gunner (31), M-45 Ion Blaster (31) = 132
- Airspeeder (130): Wedge Antilles (1), Power Harpoon (0) = 131
My son and I played a 1600 point grand battle that we finished today. I was the Rebel Scum and he was the Fascist Empire. We didn't adhere to the core requirements, as we didn't have enough painted units for the rebels and he didn't want to take more than 1 squad of stormtroopers.
The dewback and both speeders performed far better than I expected. The AT-ST and the Occupier took a tremendous amount of firepower to drop. The red dice along with armor on the Occupier made it absolutely beastly. Without some lucky side shots and Sabine Wren getting all up in it's business, it might have gone differently.
The empire ran shoretroopers with an astromech droid in the tank and that kept it alive ridiculously long, although the troopers in the open top transport got wittled away without doing much of anything other than repairing the tank.
The Occupier began the battle by lumbering forward, and turned towards the center of the board, where it sat and fired at rebels until being shredded by Sabine Wrens Darksaber. It took a ridiculous amount of firepower to bring the tank down, over several turns. The pathfinders whiffed when they attacked the death troopers that had moved up to the center, missing every roll but 3. The cover blocked 2 and the death troopers made their save on the last. This was comically repeated with the exact same roll and results in turn 2, leading the pathfinders to win the Least Valuable Player token. (1 victory token) Bistan did end up doing some damage late game to Boba Fett, but otherwise, this unit basically did nothing.
The air speeder attacked the AT-ST and the next turn was able to pull off a tow cable attack and force it to pivot. The rebels had enough ion to bring to bear to render it largely ineffective for the rest of the game until it was finally toppled by Sabine Wren who was on a vehicle killing spree.
The Imperial scout sniper team was down to one man after turn 2, but held its own, sniping rebel forces until it was finally dispatched by the air speeder on turn 4.
The imperial guard ran up the side of the board, all but ignoring fire from Leah, a rebel troop squad, and the 1.4 FD team. The cannon team held out after being charged for several turns, even scoring a lucky few hits on the guards, and killing one, before finally succumbing to the might of the imperial guards
The heroes of the rebellion laid down withering fire with Han Solo performing extraordinarily. Luke zoomed forward in the land speeder and dispatched Krennec and fended off a full squad of snowtroopers but ended the battle badly wounded.
The rebel taun tauns and wookies ran up the flank with Luke and took out a few squads of imperial units along the way.
The Dewback lumbered up the center of the board and hung out in the middle until turn 3 and 4, when the rider decided to charge towards the escape pod where Luke Skywalker was licking his wounds and gobbled him up.
Boba Fett danced around the flank of his board, well out of reach of his bounty targets R2d2 and C3P0, but managed to rack up kills on Princess Leah and damaging several other squads.
Bossk floundered around after breaking through the rebel lines and took 2 turns of whithering fire from 5 or 6 rebel squads before being dispatched. His regenerative powers barely helping him before his demise.
By turn 6, the Imperials had all but been routed. The Imperial guard were down to 1, the officer was cowering from Sabine Wren who was 1 turn away from eating her for lunch, and the E-Web blaster had moment of excitement where it took down the air speeder.
Rebels: 3 victory points
Empire: 0 Victory points
Very fun game, and definitely have some new found respect for speeders (and the Occupier).