Now that we know the points and stats of most Republic stuff from the Clone Wars initial wave, here is a carrier list.
Surprise Attack
Asteroid Tactics
Infested Fields
Bail Organa
, LTT - 80
Acclamator-I, Flight Controllers, Expanded Hangar, Boosted Comms, LTTs, E-Rax, SFO, Nevoota Bee - 97
Acclamator-I, Flight Controllers, Expanded Hangar, Hyperspace Rings, LTTs, E-Rax, SFO - 91
4 Delta-7s, 3 ARC-170s, Anakin Skywalker - 132
The intel rule is changing to handing out grit so I decided not to bother with it. Instead I've included two sets of flight controllers to try and win fighter superiority as soon as possible. Up to 8 extra blue dice and swarm granted to 4 fighters a turn, combined with adept and dodge on the deltas should make this achievable. My missions will help too with squadron raid tokens or space slugs popping in to chew a few enemies.
The slow speed of the bombers can be mitigated by giving them scout from the Hyperspace Rings which could also be fun with the predictable enemy flagship deployment of Surprise Attack . It all depends on the strength of enemy squadrons as to how aggressive I am with this. I may even Scout the Deltas on occasion to stiff arm enemy squadrons and keep them tied up and well away from my bombers or I could use the 7 hull counter (1) bombers as bait for enemy squadrons - then in comes an alpha strike of Deltas each with 4blue and a black with 2 rerolls.
Flagship can orbit on a flank or even cut behind the carriers and squadron blob to keep alive and chip in the odd red dice. Bail can hand out repairs or navs as needed and these could even be discarded to remove squadron raid tokens. SFOs on the carriers are for Slicer Tool protection or to offer an emergency nav or repair to be plotted and either brought forwards or ignored all together.
Edited by Mad Cat