Never understood why...

By DarthRulesLawyer, in Star Wars: Armada

41 minutes ago, DarthRulesLawyer said:

But a speed 3 Jerjerrod ISD is insanely maneuverable and nearly impossible to chase down or block. Again a problem solved by speed 2 engine techs.

Sorry man, but "X strategy using Y commander makes this entire ship-type OP" is a bit too niche of an example to constitute a rework of an entire ship type. There are lists that can counter that, even if not everything can. The Rock/Paper/Scissors of this game keep it interesting, and some lists just have a natural scissors to another's paper.

Edited by Cruzer
17 hours ago, DarthRulesLawyer said:

But a speed 3 Jerjerrod ISD is insanely maneuverable and nearly impossible to chase down or block. Again a problem solved by speed 2 engine techs.

A speed 3 ISD is only going to get 1 close or medium range front arc shot at you as it passes.