VTT, Maps, and Tokens?

By richarDISNEY, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Good morning,

Since "this all started", I have been missing my weekly FFG SW RPG sessions, so I am seeking some help.

Can anybody recommend a Virtual Table Top resource? Please explain why you like that VTT?

And what about any maps or tokens I can purchase?

I am looking at Foundry VTT, but I am not sure if it's the best one for my group.

I have already tried Roll20 (not to my liking) and Fantasy Grounds (seemed hard to start running a game - maybe I should try again?).

Thank you.

I have tried different ones, for other games, and I prefer FoundryVTT. It requires some setting up, but it runs well and is nigh on perfect - in my experience.

There is a pretty good system module for FFG Star Wars, and active developers (on discord), with support for importing data from OggDude (I think - it's been a while since I messed around with FFG in Foundry).

The GUI is easy, and while it is tedious to input data (which may be skipped if the data import works), setting up maps and characters was nice and easy last I checked.

I've run several Expanse games using Foundry at it worked very well (after some hiccups using date system modules that caused error message for my players :ph34r: ).

RPGsessions is a brilliant VTT custom-built for SWRPG & Genesys with great dice integration, character sheets (which integrate with OggDude's if you use it) and Discord bots. No maps/tokens, but excellent in all other ways.

I dabbled with roll20 also. But, I recently made the jump to Foundry VTT, and I can say I'm never going back.

There is a module that supports Star Wars and it gets lots of attention. Answers are extremely quick on their Discord.

Me and mine currently use Tabletop Simulator. I use a heavily modded version of the Swrpg table customized to my preference.

It takes quite a bit of set up and getting used to but allows the most flexibility with minatures and maps and actual 3D model dice that you can roll. Its by far, in my opinion, the closest experience to the actual physical table.

Pros: Physical Table experience, 3D models, Maps, Dice, Cards, Character sheets, Coms.

Cons: High learning curve, time and money investment.

Roll20 + VanLevy.com works great for my group

On 11/17/2020 at 6:11 PM, Talkie Toaster said:

RPGsessions is a brilliant VTT custom-built for SWRPG & Genesys with great dice integration, character sheets (which integrate with OggDude's if you use it) and Discord bots. No maps/tokens, but excellent in all other ways.

I'll second this.

My group (and me as GM) are absolutely loving RPG Sessions.