By WBruce, in Game Masters

After many days without a single comment I wondered if this community is dead and deleted my post.

Edited by WBruce

It showednup in the news feed just today, as new users have to wait until a mod approves their content (you had a warning message at the bottom of your post)

I recommend edit back your original post, so we might answer that.

Also if you have wondered whther or not anyone here, you could have just check other traffic on the forum.

Edited by Rimsen

Ooo... XCOM? Yes, please edit back your post.

3 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Ooo... XCOM? Yes, please edit back your post.

I'm gonna guess this is related to the SW mod for Xcom2. Which makes me sad that I'm a console gamer, lol.