How many are we getting preorders?

By Blail Blerg, in X-Wing

As title and why

6 v-wings cuz epic

2 ETAs cuz team Anakin and Ben

1 of the rest cuz I'm an OCD completionist.

1 jango fett slave one

3 each of the small base (tri fighters, eta, nimbus

I also have the Tie heavy on this order (2) and heralds of hope

1 Jango Fett and 2 of all the small based ships in this wave.

Likely will buy more V-wings later on and will see if more Tri-Fighters are needed.

2 ETA-2 Actis

3 V-Wing (might not be enough, but waiting for the point cost before further orders)

3 Trifighters

1 Jango (normally I buy at least two of each aka my "rule of two", but I have two Scum Firesprays already, and the Seperatist Racketer-pilot does not really interest me, however if cheap enough and with access to discords, probe-droids time will tell).
2 V-wings (cause "rule of two").
3 ETA-2 Actis (one more that "rule of two" cause of that sweet hyperdrive which I plan to use in Epic. Also I think the ship will be cheaper than the Aethersprite so there may be a good 3 Named Jedi + Laat/i list and crew hiding somewhere).
5 Trifighters (OMFG LOVE THAT SHIP, just imagine 5 intercepters sharing tokens with FCS and a goodlike dial and discords and...POSSIBILITIES..ARE..ENDLESS)

Preordered 1 Eta.

This close to Christmas I won't be pre-ordering as usual, but will wait a week or so.

But I'm looking to grab:

2 ETAs
3 V-Wings
1 Slave 1

and then maybe 2 Tri-Fighters if i want to jump into CIS already.

Not preordering but I'll be getting Jango... for the Scum stuff. I guess that might be my first step towards branching out to CIS. It'll also be my third firespray... Triple spray is playable, I guess.

If I do branch out CIS and Republic are definitely top of the list. LAAT, ARC and V-wings. Frisbees and triangles... looks fun.

4x Tri-Fighter

They look awesome, made me start a CIS-collection.

My wallet hates me. I'm thinking at least two V-wings, two Etas, two Tri-fighters, and maybe Jango's Slave-1.

I won't collect the CIS, I said. Collecting five factions is enough, I said...

1 Jango because it looks like it'd be a fun fit with my Scum collection (I don't do Seps)

4 V-Wings because I think they're going to be good in many roles

2 Eta because I think they'll replace Sprites as a fave Jedi Ace ride but I don't see myself needing more than two

1x Firespray and 2x each of the others.

I don't see myself using more than one Firespray in a list and can sub a scum model and dial if desired.

I'm not sure on the points for the others so don't know what will fit. Typically two of something is not to many and I find a pair either enough or a good start if I want to go bigger. And what's the point of playing Republic if you aren't putting an ARC in your list?

I'm also getting the Clone Wars Armada stuff and while I don't have a budget committee to answer to and a healthy budget for my hobbies I do try to not spend all of my coin even in the YOLO mood the current times have put me in.

1 - Jango Slave 1

2 - Tri-Fighters

2 - V-WING

3 - Eta Actis

I don’t really play Seppies so...

4x Vwing because I need another cheap ship besides torrents and they look like they could become republic RZ2s (without the rear arc admittedly)

2x Eta2 because always multiples unless you can’t see having multiple.

I might buy more Eta2 once the points are known - If I can fly 4 generic eta in a list with room for a few upgrades I might do it for the funsies. I’m also highly likely to eventually buy Jango so I can have the scum goodness within. Unless a card pack announcement comes along the way in the next month or two.

2X V- Wing

2X Actis

1X Jango....

i guess that means 1X Sith Infiltrator too since I’ve been waiting on something else non droid to come out in that faction.

Probably 2x more V’s in time and at least 1X Actis...

Yes, I know I have a problem 🤷‍♂️

1 hour ago, ScummyRebel said:

4x Vwing because I need another cheap ship besides torrents and they look like they could become republic RZ2s (without the rear arc admittedly)

So RZ1s?(but with optics analogue) Honestly though they look like a very fun ship to fly, makes me want to branch out into Republic if they're decently costed...(under 30, guessing they'll be about 28 +/-1, and configs 1-3 points, with "Besh" costing more than "Esk").

I guess the bomb config would make them more RZ2 like, in that they can do something while whizzing past.

I got 2 V-wings and 2-ETA. I’ve bought some other sets for republic. Haven’t played them yet, but played my friend and loved how fast the ships were.

So I ordered:

1 Firespray

1 Tri Fighter

I do not play separatists very often so I have enough to make proxying reasonable or to fly a jank list for fun.

1 V-wing I am not sure where this ship fits in my overall strategy

2 Eta will probably end up with 3 (who am I kidding they will make a convention version and I will be up to 4 and then aces treatment and so on). To me this ship looks fun.

2 hours ago, Cerebrawl said:

So RZ1s?(but with optics analogue) Honestly though they look like a very fun ship to fly, makes me want to branch out into Republic if they're decently costed...(under 30, guessing they'll be about 28 +/-1, and configs 1-3 points, with "Besh" costing more than "Esk").

Yeah, I’m more hyped about trying the optics analogue, especially pairing them with a battle meditation jedi to coordinate the locks at higher init or a missile carrier for the tracers. Focus + lock with that config seems super consistent.

I probably will try the bombing train at some point too, points dependent

Are Vwings basically Awings?

1 hour ago, Blail Blerg said:

Are Vwings basically Awings?

Think of them more as Tie F/Os. Their single linked action sucks for a 4 health ship (boost->lock) so you are basically a single action 4 health ship with shields and a nice dial

17 hours ago, Blail Blerg said:

As title and why

1 V-Wing = Not sure if I want 5 or 1, so went with one, as Contrail and Klick intrigue me as cheap filler support next to Aces.

2 ETAs = They are fragile little buggers, but two of them paired with a triple ace, or some support seems decent.

1 Jango = Its a cool ship for CIS.

2 Tri-Fighters = Should be nice complements to a vulture swarm or nice wingmates for Jango. Two i5's with slam flying with Jango seems cool.

3 hours ago, wurms said:

Think of them more as Tie F/Os. Their single linked action sucks for a 4 health ship (boost->lock) so you are basically a single action 4 health ship with shields and a nice dial

So.. not even Awings then?

Hmm, theres' some interesting about the numbers here: Awing 29pts vs Tie FO 25pts. What adv does the Awing have?

Yeah, boost lock is going to be better for their ace pilots and for try-hard play. (High skill ceiling, I for one will enjoy it). Ewings have boost->lock, and its... okay. Maybe worth 1 or half a point.

1 jango - the cardboard is just too good.

3 Tri - fighters - I don't see any use in spamming 6 of these as Tie Ints. Its the aces I'd like to see. And 3 aces is all I suspect one can fit. Also a compliment of 3 will work fine for low init also.

3 Eta2s - Again 3 aces. 2 is definitely probably the better list, but 3 is fun, and isn't that the point?

4 Vwings - Also thinking maybe should get a 5th. I bet we could fit 6 in a list, maybe 7 but I'm not so interested in generic spam anymore. They are so cool looking though.

Also the clone wars armada stuff is just way cool.


What's after this?

Tie brutes?

Heralds of Hope?

After that? What are missing still? Some shuttles? Sheathipede for CIS and Theta for Republic? If I recall, we have pretty much every canon ship from the prequels now right? Oh, the 2 ChromeNaboo ships. Those are a must have. What else?

4 minutes ago, Blail Blerg said:

After that? What are missing still? Some shuttles? Sheathipede for CIS and Theta for Republic? If I recall, we have pretty much every canon ship from the prequels now right? Oh, the 2 ChromeNaboo ships. Those are a must have. What else?

Twilight for republic as well, and Asajj’s ship from clone wars before she goes rogue/is cast off. Also could fit Cad Bane’s ship in as either scum or CIS