I'mma go nuts and take this to the shop tonight. 'Cause I haven't even thought about trying a StarFortress in the absolute longest time, but maybe Concussion Bombs will help. And Overdrive Poe is a hoot! The idea being that ATP might help the Fortresses a little, and are wicked cheap. And I can use the Prox Mines to interrupt the Concussion drops when needed. Anybody have any general modifications to the list? I *really* want to keep Overdrive Poe, and I *really* want to fly two bombing Fortresses, although I have made the list with a pair of gunship Fortresses as well....
Poe's Fortress of Bombitude
Poe Dameron (67)
Heroic (1)
R4 Astromech (2)
Overdrive Thruster (6)
Integrated S-Foils (0)
Black One (2)
Ship total: 78 Half Points: 39 Threshold: 4
Cobalt Squadron Bomber (51)
Automated Target Priority (1)
Concussion Bombs (3)
Proximity Mines (6)
Ship total: 61 Half Points: 31 Threshold: 6
Cobalt Squadron Bomber (51)
Automated Target Priority (1)
Concussion Bombs (3)
Proximity Mines (6)
Ship total: 61 Half Points: 31 Threshold: 6
Total: 200
View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0:
https://raithos.github.io/?f=Resistance&d=v8ZsZ200Z231X172W5WW345W175W171WY260XW348WWWW355W70WY260XW348WWWW355W70W&sn=Poe Fortress&obs=
Poe's Gunship Fortress
Poe Dameron (67)
Heroic (1)
R4 Astromech (2)
Overdrive Thruster (6)
Integrated S-Foils (0)
Black One (2)
Ship total: 78 Half Points: 39 Threshold: 4
Cobalt Squadron Bomber (51)
Automated Target Priority (1)
Veteran Turret Gunner (7)
Ship total: 59 Half Points: 30 Threshold: 6
Cobalt Squadron Bomber (51)
Automated Target Priority (1)
Veteran Turret Gunner (7)
Ship total: 59 Half Points: 30 Threshold: 6
Total: 196
View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0:
https://raithos.github.io/?f=Resistance&d=v8ZsZ200Z231X172W5WW345W175W171WY260XW348WW90WWWWY260XW348WW90WWWW&sn=Poe Fortress&obs=