I think we've had similar types of threads before, but I can't emphasize enough how diverse and plentiful this faction could become without much imagination.
Hired Guns (modelled by Weequay, Rodians, Grans, etc) cheapish, short range 1-2 troops Wdefense Boffense, Gain a dodge and surge token with a command
Sand People (longer range weapons, low profile, regenerate 1 to simulate more troopers coming out of the woodwork/dunes)
**Special Forces
Mandalorian fighters
Hardened Gangsters (commando/strike equivalents)
Gammorrean Guards (3 wounds, VibroAxes, Guardian 1)
Lots of options here
Jet-bike racers
Hover turret cannons
Bantha Riders
Small Skiff tanks
Hondo Ohnaka
Jabba the Hutt
Dryden Voss
**Operatives I think they should price these appropriately, but allow more than two, to simulate hiring of bounty hunters, nefarious warriors on the payroll
Boba Fett
IG series droids
Embo / Aurra Sing