Sleeves 2020

By chinviolet, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

Current prices for FFG clear card sleeves are a bit crazy (£15+).

I've been looking at alternatives and have just received some Ultra Pro Small deck Protector sleeves (62mm x 88mm). Guess what, the small sleeves were too....small.

I know, I know, I should have checked more carefully.

Before I go buying a different option, can anyone recommend a specific sleeve which will fit LotrR LCG cards?

I'm looking for a clear sleeve and a purple backed sleeve.

For the record I prefer the FFG sleeves, but I'm not paying £15+ for a set.

GameGenic now produces the sleeves that used to be the FFG branded sleeves. Maybe look that brand up, if you haven't already? I've read good reviews about them (they are apparently cut a little shorter and are more snug than the FFG clear ones were, but some claim that they are an even better fit because of that).

Thanks both. I'll try both I think.