Scarlet Witch preview is online!

By Noccus, in Marvel Champions: The Card Game

That is amazing! But it says it's coming out in January on in the article, I assume they just didn't bother to update it?

Also, am I the only one who thinks that crisis averted should be a hero card? šŸ˜‚

54 minutes ago, Venompuppy said:

Also, am I the only one who thinks that crisis averted should be a hero card? šŸ˜‚

As in, you think it's of that power level?

It is better than Suborbital Leap and is reminiscent of Cable Arrow. However it is expensive and Justice is supposed to be the thwarting aspect so I don't see a problem with it.

4 hours ago, jonboyjon1990 said:

As in, you think it's of that power level?


1 hour ago, HirumaShigure said:

It is better than Suborbital Leap and is reminiscent of Cable Arrow. However it is expensive and Justice is supposed to be the thwarting aspect so I don't see a problem with it.

I don't have a problem with it either, I love it! šŸ˜‚

Looking forward to building Iron Man Justice again in the future, now that Foiled! and Counterintelligence help give me time to build the suit and Turn the Tide joins Followed as a damage dealing option - all with the Energy resource!!!

As I was also trying to say before my connection got all wonky, I also want to build a "determination" hero at some point, with cards like Swift Retribution and Toe to Toe . Probably Spider-Woman if it doesn't require more than 2 Aspects, so I don't have to break any rules.

On topic (Scarlet Witch), I like the style of discarding cards from the encounter deck as "magic has a price". If only they gave Dr. Strange's magic a price...

Edited by ObiWonka

She seems like a character I'd play when I want to goof off.

Overall I'm looking forward to her but prefer to play less random heroes.

17 hours ago, Venompuppy said:

Also, am I the only one who thinks that crisis averted should be a hero card? šŸ˜‚

I donā€™t think itā€™s that great to be honest... itā€™s pretty expensive as an event. Good for an emergency but Justice already has a whole suite of effects to manage threat...

Hero cards arenā€™t necessarily straight up better cards than Aspect cards. They represent how that hero fights and interacts with the world. Most heroes will have a ā€˜remove threatā€™ card in their set, but they arenā€™t necessarily going to be stronger than dedicated aspect cards at doing a particular job. Compare Spider-Tracer to For Justice as an example from the core set - they both remove 3 threat as standard, but Spider-Tracer is rarely considered better, even though itā€™s cheaper because you have to attach it to a minion and kill the minion for t to work...

As it stands, itā€™s probably the least exciting Justice card they showed off here I think. Justice Attack cards are pretty cool and Speed seems pretty great (as well as being another Justice Avenger - slowly building towards a yellow Avenger deck being more viable like Blue or Red...)

11 hours ago, FearLord said:

I donā€™t think itā€™s that great to be honest... itā€™s pretty expensive as an event. Good for an emergency but Justice already has a whole suite of effects to manage threat...

Hero cards arenā€™t necessarily straight up better cards than Aspect cards. They represent how that hero fights and interacts with the world. Most heroes will have a ā€˜remove threatā€™ card in their set, but they arenā€™t necessarily going to be stronger than dedicated aspect cards at doing a particular job. Compare Spider-Tracer to For Justice as an example from the core set - they both remove 3 threat as standard, but Spider-Tracer is rarely considered better, even though itā€™s cheaper because you have to attach it to a minion and kill the minion for t to work...

As it stands, itā€™s probably the least exciting Justice card they showed off here I think. Justice Attack cards are pretty cool and Speed seems pretty great (as well as being another Justice Avenger - slowly building towards a yellow Avenger deck being more viable like Blue or Red...)

It's look like the kind of pack you buy for the aspect cards rather than the hero.

17 hours ago, vilainn6 said:

It's look like the kind of pack you buy for the aspect cards rather than the hero.

I personally think that Scarlet Witch is going to be amazing. Sure you'll deck out a lot more, but that never stopped people from playing all three of Iron man's repulsor blasts back to back with his 40 card deck in the past. šŸ¤·šŸ» šŸ˜‚

At least she mitigates the encounter cards and boost cards that you get. She might work better with aggression if you think about it. Kill him as quickly as possible, but also have some awesome events that mitigates everything the villain does. As long as you can kill him before your second acceleration, I think you'd be fine.

She looks like a lot of fun. A better execution of 'extra power with drawbacks' than the Hulk.

Wanda is definitely the hero I'm most looking forward to out of this batch. I do hope she's got some crazy good effects still to come.

I just wish they'd pick better art for a lot of the heroes.

He will be an interesting hero since his deck includes a lot of risk, the more you risk the greater the reward ... or maybe not. You never know for sure what effect the cards will have, which once again reflects the excellent design work of the characters. It perfectly reflects the nature of Wanda's powers.

We again find a broken 'golden rule', Scarlet Witch has not one but two obligations. Do you think this will give the character a lot of problems? Normally, I at least, when the obligation appears I directly exhaust my hero and remove the card from the game. This way I prevent the card from appearing again.

It is interesting that new forms of obligation are explored (scenario related like in Red Skull, perpetual as in Hulk and doubles as in the case of Scarlet Witch). Do you think it is interesting that they continue to experiment with obligations or would you prefer a new mechanic? Do they seem funny, annoying or indifferent to you?

I'm fine with Wanda having two obligations and I wouldn't be surprised to see another hero get that in the future. There's plenty of design space to explore with Obligations, what they do, how they're removed, and so on. Future Obligations could summon or enhance a Nemesis, cause problems for other heroes, buff villains, or more - I'm excited to see what they can do.

There are times now where an Obligation comes up and it's just too tactically risky to exhaust for removal. Having meaningful options when choices come up is good design. Her extra one could be very nasty at times and I think it's a good balance to a powerful character who can also manipulate the encounter deck.