Rogue Trader Acquisition Scale: In Details

By rt1234456, in Rogue Trader House Rules

Hi guys,

While I'm thinking... and probably planning... additional series of articles on mini-games inside Rogue Trader there is an interesting topic of scale modifier for acquisition table.


RT core book in Table 9-35 gives scale ranges from negligible(+30) single item and trivial(+20) 3 to 5 items to significant(-20) 2000 to 5000 items and vast(-30) for 10000+ items. While the thinking is understandable and effort is appreciated it becomes quite frustrating to negotiate with GM each time the specific amount in the given range for each acquistion. It also becomes much more important for next cases:

  • Important items: It is not so much important if you bought 20 or 25 grenades, you might wish to have not 10 but 30 guardsmen for retinue, but it's quite big difference that you have 3 Capitol Imperialis not the one
  • Many items : When you dealing with armies and you have profit for not 10000 but 100000 of Imperial Guards, mercenaries or local PDF to hire you limited by vague -30 modifier for 10000+ items


In order to extend the table for bigger scale and solve vagueness table there are 2 options: to get creative on new ranges and to put manually the intermidiate numbers or to get mathematical to extrapolate new ranges and interpolate intermidiate numbers. Both were tried, manual option is too time consuming and not flexible, so it was dropped after first desperate attempt.

For mathematical solution it was chosen to figure out similar function which gives chart going closer to the middle of ranges as possible and not going over range limits. After some tinkering exponential formula appeared to be most similar and here is the function:

y=e^(0.16*(30-x)-0.1911), where x [... , 30] is a scale modifier and y is number of items corresponding to specific scale modifier.


Because of how the initial ranges are built it was not possible to make it go through middle of ranges and not go beyond range limits, but result is very good. Simply put it is 1 item for +30, 4 items for +20 and then x5 each next -10. You can check it yourself but for lazy people I will put beautified results here:

Scale Items
30 1
29 1
28 1
27 1
26 2
25 2
24 2
23 3
22 3
21 4
20 4
19 5
18 6
17 7
16 8
15 10
14 12
13 14
12 16
11 18
10 20
9 25
8 30
7 35
6 40
5 45
4 55
3 65
2 75
1 85
0 100
-1 120
-2 140
-3 160
-4 180
-5 200
-6 250
-7 300
-8 350
-9 400
-10 500
-11 600
-12 700
-13 800
-14 900
-15 1100
-16 1300
-17 1500
-18 1800
-19 2100
-20 2500
-21 3000
-22 3500
-23 4000
-24 4500
-25 5500
-26 6500
-27 7500
-28 8500
-29 10000
-30 12000
-40 60000
-50 300000
-60 1500000

Have fun and good acquisitions)

Kind Regards.

Here about who, what and why.

Edited by rt1234456