Gravity Belt

By Dazgrim, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

What does a Gravity Belt do?

Iirc, it’s the equivalent of a discreet pocket parachute

It's a mystery item in Sons of Fortune, appearing in the gear table but no article on it. I believe it was discussed earlier that it's some editing error. Not sure if it is addressed by dev answers

Perhaps the wearer simply gains the ability to fly? (Discussed in AoR p.214 and probably the other rulebooks too). Probably the "Hover" version of flying?

I would guess it gives repulsorlift abilities like a floating droid to a person? With jet packs being apparently a needed thing, I would make it much slower and add in a severe altitude limit. So, the lowest cost version allows the user to float just a few feet off the ground. Perhaps a larger and more expensive version allows the user to go to snowspeeder heights, but still much slower then a jet pack. Just like speeders which have varying altitude limits from 2 feet to orbit, there should be varying Repulsor Belts?

The name seems to be grabbed from the Traveller RPG, a staple in that game. So, I'm assuming it was just at the planning stage when that name was used, it was rejected, and left in the table accidentally.

4 hours ago, Rimsen said:

It's a mystery item in Sons of Fortune, appearing in the gear table but no article on it. I believe it was discussed earlier that it's some editing error. Not sure if it is addressed by dev answers

6 minutes ago, Malashim said:

Called it! Thanks Malashim!

I would give it the same stats as the Anti-Grav chute from Gadgets and Gears on page 135.

Encumbrance: 1
Price: 450
Rarity: 5
Effect: Ignore fall damage

Both items come from the same book originally and the Belt already has its stats, minus what it does.

Encumbrance: -
Price: 500
Rarity: 6
Effect: ??

The biggest difference would be "slot management" or just simple style/appearance, and it would make sense that the smaller version has a higher price/rarity especially when the encumbrance also drops to zero, even if the difference is not that much.

Edited by Malashim

Cheers guys.