3 wishes

By Greedo_Sharpshooter, in X-Wing

1 hour ago, dunhop said:

Redesign of Tractor mechanic (went from feel bad for the tractored to feel bad for the tractoree. Finding the middle ground would be nice)

An idea I had not too long ago was to allow moving a tractored ship backwards by a one straight. It would be thematic to “pull” the ship backwards.

2 minutes ago, LUZ_TAK said:

C) Cleaner rules reference, rulings, card interpretation, general tone down of complexity

^^^^^ This. Absolutely this.

Thank you, LT. ;)

Just now, Gupa-nupa said:

An idea I had not too long ago was to allow moving a tractored ship backwards by a one straight. It would be thematic to “pull” the ship backwards.

Or actually, it'd be thematic to pull it the direction of the shot.

If a target is being shot from the front, it is barrel rolled or boosted (pulled forward).

If it's being shot from the back, it is barrel roll or boosted backward (pulled backward).

If it's shot from the side, where neither fully apply, it is the shooter's choice.

5 hours ago, Gupa-nupa said:

An idea I had not too long ago was to allow moving a tractored ship backwards by a one straight. It would be thematic to “pull” the ship backwards.

The problem is that this would be a bit of a flavor fail*, as it's unlikely the tractor would be powerful enough to completely overpower the target's engines like that, as opposed to the current situation where you're limited to shunting it around more-or-less in its direction of travel.

* More than it already is, anyway, as tractors never worked in the X-wing/TIE Fighter video games the way they do in this game. They only ever stopped ships from moving around; they never actually manipulated their positions. An actual lore-accurate tractor mechanic would apply -1 agility and then either lock the target into straight moves, or increase the difficulty of the target's next non-straight maneuver.

Edited by DR4CO

More ways to play

Covid away so I can play

gimme $10000000000000000000

1) YT-2000 Otana expansion pack for the Rebels faction.

2) New named astromechs for the Scums and Rebels factions.

3) The release of remaining re-releases

1) More epic ships!

2) Faction specific card packs releases semi-regularly for older ships/factions

3) let's see a campaign for each era!

My own top three. But there's quite a few good ones above.

1.) Redesign tractors, or completely yeet them out an airlock. The later is the more preferred honestly.

Tractors token become a persistent token with the following rules: the next time the tractored ship would reveal a maneuver, discard all tractor tokens assigned to it and reduce the speed of the maneuver by 2, then perform that maneuver. If the new maneuver is not on the ships dial, or is a speed less than one, the ship preforms a white 0-(stop) maneuver and gains one strain. (There are no other persistent effects of this new token. No effect shall be designed or made to apply tractor tokens outside of the combat phase. Assigning tractors will require a roll of some kind. While this token is assigned, the ship is 'tractored')

This way it's timing is the same as the other maneuvering control mechanic Ion, it does exactly what it did in the old TIE/X-wing computer games of only slowing down the target not knocking it around, and it has neat dial interactions.

2.) Force redesign. Spending a Force token changes one *Blank* to a *Focus*. The Force is out there, but you have to be able to focus a bit to use it. The Force user still had to do something actively to get benefit from the powers that flows through all things. This change would bring it back to an interaction level with other mechanics, and mean that Force users don't just all have Moldy Crow for Calculates.

3.) 4-bank. No, seriously, that's what I want. Fast ship go zooooooooommmmm!

1. More rebel only astromechs to make the T-65 and BTL-S4 more relevant in the meta

2. The T-85 X-Wing as a Defender but for the resistance

3. Something that makes the TIE Fighter worth swarming again without invalidating the vulture or torrent.

6 hours ago, Darth Meanie said:

As an Imperial enthusiast, having the Squint have no flavor is like the Rebels having crappy X-Wings. Honestly, seeing the Squint still be useless outside of Fel yet again is one of the main reasons I'm not playing the Galactic Empire much in 2.0. (Of course, I'll need to give the TIE Heavy a round or two.)

The honorable Saber Squadron Ace would like a word, sir. They may not be meta defining, but they make great fill to round out higher init squads. I personally love running them next to both i4 named strikers and 5th bro to be honest.

15 minutes ago, Nyxen said:

The honorable Saber Squadron Ace would like a word, sir. They may not be meta defining, but they make great fill to round out higher init squads. I personally love running them next to both i4 named strikers and 5th bro to be honest.

Also, didn't Alphas come close to winning one of the online GSP events only a few weeks back (mostly thanks to Sloane, to be fair, but still)?

6 hours ago, dunhop said:

3. Illicit upgrades that help give Scum a faction identity (bags of dirty tricks that only Scum can use)


My wishes: (apologies for scum locked wishes but this is MY list)

1) New scum only illicits that are playable/not overcosted

2) Small ship force user eg asajj in a cool new ship

3) More unique pilots of all flavours for already exisiting ships (scum aces pack with card board and cards)

1 hour ago, ForceSensitive said:

Force redesign. Spending a Force token changes one *Blank* to a *Focus*. The Force is out there, but you have to be able to focus a bit to use it. The Force user still had to do something actively to get benefit from the powers that flows through all things. This change would bring it back to an interaction level with other mechanics, and mean that Force users don't just all have Moldy Crow for Calculates.

So much this, though this would necessitate a redesign of some things that use force - Brilliant Evasion would probably have to be changed, and the ETA-2 starfighter might not need to have a purple lock. The Foresight attack and Blinded Pilot would need a different drawback since spending Force for its default effect no longer helps either of those.

1 hour ago, ForceSensitive said:

Tractors token become a persistent token with the following rules: the next time the tractored ship would reveal a maneuver, discard all tractor tokens assigned to it and reduce the speed of the maneuver by 2, then perform that maneuver. If the new maneuver is not on the ships dial, or is a speed less than one, the ship preforms a white 0-(stop) maneuver and gains one strain. (There are no other persistent effects of this new token. No effect shall be designed or made to apply tractor tokens outside of the combat phase. Assigning tractors will require a roll of some kind. While this token is assigned, the ship is 'tractored')

Neat idea. I like it, but I still don't get why people are so dead-set that tractors as originally implemented are so horrible.

1- The leaked packs: Phoenix Squadron Pack : with B[lade]-Wing [prototype] + 2 repainted A-Wings AND Skystrike Academy Squadron Pack : with [Elite] TIE Defender + 2 repainted TIE Interceptors. Lot's of pilots and upgrades for these ships. Also: more squadron packs in the future (Rogue One's X-Wing Blue Squadron is a must)

2- Campaign box : something like the campaigns in Armada OR something like HotAC. Official HotAC box would be awesome.

3- " X-Wing Race" box : with 4-5 racer miniatures (Fireball compatible, but not included), based on The Resistance. Box is a standalone game, but cards and pilots can be used in X-Wing 2nd Ed.

1. Covid gets solved

2. Republic Aces stop getting nerfed every points change for no good reason

3. 3 attack die small clone ship exists

18 minutes ago, LeMightyASP said:

3 attack die small clone ship exists

Of the remaining small base, Republic canonical ships, unfortunately there is only the Clone Z-95, and I doubt it would have 3 attack dice. EDIT: you can have that with the Delta-7B, though.

Not exactly related, but I wish the LAAT had a cannon slot. Lucky, that can be easily easily fixed.

Edited by Odanan
23 minutes ago, Odanan said:

Of the remaining small base, Republic canonical ships, unfortunately there is only the Clone Z-95, and I doubt it would have 3 attack dice. EDIT: you can have that with the Delta-7B, though.

Delta-7B is, unfortunately, not a clone platform.

27 minutes ago, LeMightyASP said:

Delta-7B is, unfortunately, not a clone platform.

Indeed! My bad.

Hopefully the Clone Z-95 will have some dual torpedoes shenanigans.

Edited by Odanan

1. More rz1 and tie interceptor pilots, especially at i5.

2. Better re-release schedule with alternate paint and/or new pilots (even if you have to card pack it on occasion to meet promises). I would be fine with card pack of pilots that correspond to a rerelease with the new pilots. But honestly I’d be content buying new old ships with new paint and a new pilot or two.

3. Stop punishing my republic ships for doing nothing! Yes, we had some gross 7b action with R2 Astro but you nuked that already with the R2 Astro points hike. Now, 7B is nigh unplayable. And we keep playing them not because they are still “too cheap” but because the faction doesn’t have a ton of high initiative choices to begin with. We aren’t going to start playing Odd Ball, sorry. He is terrible (maybe the v-wing will get use?)

7 hours ago, Matanui3 said:

So much this, though this would necessitate a redesign of some things that use force -

Neat idea. I like it, but I still don't get why people are so dead-set that tractors as originally implemented are so horrible.

Any change, anyone recommends, comes with the implication and understanding that many other changes would have to be made around it. Nothing in the game exists in a vacuum. (Insert Space joke here) I'll happily yeet those upgrades out the airlock for a time and reprint them with updated structure later to fit.

The fact that of all the things in the game, it's tractors that have required constant points adjustments, errata, clarification, and core RRG level changes to functionality, across pretty much every iteration of it in game currently, and yet it still causes problems both in balance and as so often discussed negative player experience issues, tells me that it is in fact the tractors effect design, even it's current already modified one, that has in fact always been the problem. I'm so sorry that was actually one sentence. 🤔 I'm actually quite pleased with it. 😆

2 hours ago, Odanan said:

The leaked packs: Phoenix Squadron Pack : with B[lade]-Wing [prototype] + 2 repainted A-Wings AND Skystrike Academy Squadron Pack : with [Elite] TIE Defender + 2 repainted TIE Interceptors. Lot's of pilots and upgrades for these ships. Also: more squadron packs in the future (Rogue One's X-Wing Blue Squadron is a must)

Said it better than I ever could. And for the Blue squadron pack, same team!!

1) Revamped upgrade costing that accounts for how upgrades are used on different ships

2) At least 4 unique pilots for all small based ships and at least 3 unique pilots for all medium and large based ships

3) All ship expansions cost $5 less

1) All the pilots from Squadrons

2) FO Bomber

3) Razorcrest

Here comes the spice;

1) Force Users cannot use a force token to modify their dice if they missed their perform action step. (no more charity easy mode modifications when flying through obstacles, executing red maneuvers etc. Git Gud and earn those force benefits)

2) Dark Side Force Upgrade; Destructive Fury 2 points; At the start of the engagement phase, you may spend 1 force token. If you do, all ships within range 0-1 of you may not spend charges or green tokens to modify defense dice.

3) Bring all World's Winners designed cards back into the game with redesign as needed to 2.0 in a new cardpack.

I also think Attani Mindlink can be safely reintroduced as a 2 dot limited upgrade. But that's just me.