A better way to store the game?

By Razrael, in Arkham Horror Second Edition


Just bought the game.

I was overwhelmed by all the cool tokens and cards that are included.

But I am a little concerned that these are going to walk after a few games.

Do any of you have any neat storage solutions (beyond ziplock bags)?



i keep my monsters in the coc tin. i just take out the card divider and it works pretty well. other than that i use little ziplock bags.

Razrael said:


Just bought the game.

I was overwhelmed by all the cool tokens and cards that are included.

But I am a little concerned that these are going to walk after a few games.

Do any of you have any neat storage solutions (beyond ziplock bags)?



I keep all of the tokens in a small tackle box. They are all separated that way, so it's easy to set up and clean up. I had my partner and his friend sew up some bags for monsters and (just for fun) my custom dice.

I keep the pieces in a plastic 'plano' bin (same idea as a tackle box... you can find them in hardware and craft sections, as well as sporting goods, of stores normally). I took the black plastic interior of the Arkham horror box and cut away all but the card holder section of it so that everything would fit nicely. Works pretty well for me.

Yeah, baggies work really well for me. Use the smaller snack bags for Skill Sliders, Clue Tokens, Doom Tokens, Health and Sanity Tokens, Money, Mask Monsters and miscellany (terror, turn and activity markers and so forth). Use the larger sandwhich bags for monsters and investigator markers. I kept the black plastic molding for the game, and easily store the common item, unique item and spell decks in one slot and the other smaller cards, including the skill and ally decks in the other slot. Put the investigator and GOO cards and Location cards in the big area. Its pretty obvious that you place the Mythos and Gate decks in the two bigger card slots. The baggies with the tokens, markers and so forth stack easily on top and then the gameboard.

You'll read a lot about how to use and/or combine the expansions. If I had it all to do over again, I would err on the side of caution and combine none of the elements of the smaller expansions to the base game, unless using the expansion. The exception to this rule is BGotW, which does not come with Visiting instructions, so it appears to be intended as a permanent addition. The hex monsters included in BGotW, however, I treat as special spawns/masks for the Black Goat herald, so those are set aside. My preference.

With the larger expansion, I would (and have) combined the following with the base game: new investigators and GOO's, new skills, common items, unique items, spells and monsters. Everything else, I store in the box in which it came. I'm a big proponent of rotating my expansions to bring out a different atmosphere in the game. Keeping the gaming elements as discrete as possible goes a long way to accomplishing that.

We seperate the all the different tokens and such in a small tackle box, which works fantastically. As for the cards and everything, we cram everything into the three big boxes, but then again, we play with everything mixed together... on the rare occasion that we don't include an expansion when we draw a card from the not-included expansion we just discard it and draw another... that saves the time and hassle of seperating everything.

I have the money, wound, and sanity counters stored in investigator kits.

I took the money, wound and sanity counters and divided them by 5 (number of kits I made). They are stored in Altoids tins along with the 3 skill sliders, extra dice I bought at the dollar store and a character stand. I hand them out at the start of the game. It definately helps with game set-up.

Tazbro, that is a good idea. If only I liked Altoids...oh well, they through away easily enough. Plus, my investigators would smell minty fresh, which the GOO du jour would appreciate as he devours them!

I do like the set up for investigators.

But does anyone use 'Deck Protectors' to store the cards in?


Heres what my team does:

1. Use a plano box for storing and separating all the bits as suggested earlier in this thread. It works great. A tackle box as mentioned will work too. My wife sells tupperware and they have a variety of nice containers with bins that are useful also.

2. Get rid of as many "fiddly-bits" as possible. I use D10 for money, clues, stamina and sanity. A different color for each item. Each player gets 1 Red D10 for Stamina, 1 Blue D10 for Sanity, 2 green D10 for Clues, and 2 black D10 for Money. This saves an incredile amount of time in setup and play as you dont have to get change, etc... when adjusting each item. They also store easier in separate bins or in one large one.

3. A while ago, someone posted nice card holder tuck boxes on the old forum or even on BBG. I am sure you can still find them on BBG. Basically they are small tuck boxes you print on your home computer and glue together. When storing the game just put each stack in thier own tuck box for protection. They are simple to make out of heavy weight paper.

4. Get a drawstring felt bag for a monster bin. Its a sinch to closed and keep the monsters stored in as well as useful for play. may want to save a bin in one of you plano boxes for monsters that dont belong in the base game so you dont have to separate them later as they are not marked. there is a list somewhere of what monsters come in each expansion. Print that...its extremely helpful.

5. The plastic bin things that come with in the game can be easily modified for use. Simply cut off the small bin section away from the large bin section. This will leave you a long black plastic piece with 4 bins in it. We use this as a "Mythos holder." One of the large bin on the end is for Mythos cards, the bin next to it that is the same size is used for Gate cards. Simply take the decks and place them in the bin on thier sides. This makes it easy to draw from the front, and discard to the back. Active Environments simply get stood up at the short end of the bin between the cards and the bin side facing the board. When a new environment is drawn, we discard the active one to the back of the deck and stick the new one in its place. The 2 smaller bins in this are used for gate tokens and the little plastic stands for monsters. Everything for the mythos phase except clues are in one convienient place that is easy to draw and discard from.

6. Get some of those business card holders from staples. They work great for the Arkham location decks. There are 9 locations for the base game so we got a couple of these holders. They come in various sizes. We got one 8 slot holder (4 slots next to each other) and another 4 slot holder. This is sufficent for most game, but you can buy more or one bigger one. This saves a ton of room when playing. This idea was posted in the old forum so I can not take credit for this one.

7. small zip lock bags are also useful in conguntion with any of the above to further help separate small bits. (sliders, actrivity tokens, etc...)

8. The small see-through plastic boxes that dice come in when you buy dice from a game store work great for some token storage also. These are generally tall and have a black lid on the bottom. We use one for the clue tokens and one for doom tokens.

9. Last one. This is not a storage solution but we find it very useful. Get yourself a rolling bin. A bowl of something to roll your dice into so they dont go flying about the board knocking things over. When we are at my buddies house, we use his wifes waterford crystal wine chiller bin. It makes a lovely sound when rolling into it and is only about 4" round and less than 2" deep. Wonderful. At my place we use a small plastic tupperware bowl. not as nice as the waterford and doesnt have that musical ring when rolling but serves the purpose.

Bravo McWilley said:

9. Last one. This is not a storage solution but we find it very useful. Get yourself a rolling bin. A bowl of something to roll your dice into so they dont go flying about the board knocking things over. When we are at my buddies house, we use his wifes waterford crystal wine chiller bin. It makes a lovely sound when rolling into it and is only about 4" round and less than 2" deep. Wonderful. At my place we use a small plastic tupperware bowl. not as nice as the waterford and doesnt have that musical ring when rolling but serves the purpose.

We use the lids of the small box expansions for this.

I also store the small box expansions in the big boxes. With the new expansions, I have to put some cards under the cardboard divider in the small box expansions, but it still works nicely.

I use a hard plastic screw/nail box with removable dividers that I bought at Clas Olsen (hardware store chain in Sweden). I'm buying another for my son, tomorrow, who just got Doom for Christmas (his uncle found an unopened box at a flea market!). Works great!

Yes.....tackle boxes. Those usually work. Got to go out and buy some.

Did that with Doom, so I assume the same would work for AH.

Whilst ziplock bags and tackle boxes provide a solution, I have seen some very nice solutions out there on the net.

I would have thought someone (if not the manufacturer of the game) would have tried to make a profit out of this.

I would pay top money for a well presented storage solution and don't even get me started on the whole monster cup thing.